





n. pox ,syph


syphilis['sifəlis]n. 梅毒


syphilis 梅毒;花柳病;花柳;廣瘡=楊梅瘡;congenital syphilis 胎傳性梅毒;先天性梅毒;小兒遺毒爛斑;胎傳梅毒;secondary syphilis 二期梅毒;繼發性梅毒;tertiary syphilis 三期梅毒;第三期梅毒;Cardiovascular syphilis 心血管梅毒;化膿性關節炎,未特指;


1.Got syphilis what is the first symptom? 得了梅毒第一症狀是什麼?

2.What symptom does syphilis have? Through what to infect? 梅毒有哪些症狀?都是通過什麼傳染的?

3.The study authors link the rise in syphilis infection rates to economic reforms and globalization in China. 文章的作者將梅毒感染率的增長與中國的經濟改革和全球化聯繫起來。


syphilis of central nervous system - 中樞神經梅毒

syphilis of the prostate - 前列腺梅毒

syphilis of larynx - 喉梅毒

syphilis serum antibody test - 梅毒血清抗體試驗

syphilis diagnostic examining set - 梅毒診斷器

syphilis test - 梅毒試驗

syphilis of seminal vesicle - 精囊梅毒

syphilis of liver - 肝梅毒

syphilis of adrenal - 腎上腺梅素

syphilis of kidney - 腎梅毒

syphilis of spinal vessels - 脊髓血管梅毒

syphilis of spleen - 脾梅毒

syphilis of bladder - 膀胱梅毒

syphilis of ureter - 輸尿管梅毒

syphilis of vas deferens - 輸精管梅毒

syphilis hereditaria tarda - 遲發性遺傳梅毒

syphilis of penis - 陰莖梅毒

syphilis of epididymis - 附睪梅毒

syphilis of bone - 骨梅毒

syphilis of sinus of nose - 鼻竇梅毒


n.徽瘡秘錄 - a private record on syphilis

後天性梅毒 - acquired syphilis

n.凝集法梅毒測試儀 - agglutinating method test outfit for syphilis

n.腦梅毒 - cerebral syphilis

n.先天性早期隱性梅毒 - conenital early latent syphilis

n.先天梅毒,先天性梅毒 - congenital syphilis

n.早期症狀性梅毒 - early symptomatic syphilis

n.早期梅毒 - early syphilis

n.地方性梅毒,哈爾斯坦氏病 - endemic syphilis

n.胃梅毒 - gastric syphilis

梅毒瘤性梅毒 - gummatous syphilis

n.玻片試驗 - kline test syphilis

迷路梅毒 - labyrinthine syphilis

n.晚期隱性梅毒 - late latent syphilis

n.晚期梅毒 - late syphilis

n.潛伏梅毒,隱性梅毒 - latent syphilis

n.惡性梅毒 - malignant syphilis

n.婚後梅毒 - marital syphilis

n.腦膜血管梅毒 - meningovascular syphilis

n.新生兒梅毒 - neonatal syphilis

神經梅毒 - neural syphilis

n.結節性梅毒疹 - nodular syphilis

n.胰梅毒 - pancreatic syphilis

實質性梅毒 - parenchymatous syphilis

n.初期梅毒,第一期梅毒 - primary syphilis

四期梅毒,終期梅毒 - quaternary syphilis

n.家兔螺旋體病 - rabbit syphilis

n.快速梅毒血漿反應素卡片試驗 - rapid plasma reagin card test for syphilis

n.肝梅毒復發 - recurrence of liver syphilis

n.二期梅毒 - secondary syphilis

n.梅毒血清學試驗 - serologic test for syphilis

n.梅毒血清學試驗 - serological test for syphilis

標準梅毒血清試驗 - standard serologic test for syphilis

n.標準梅毒試驗 - standard test for syphilis

n.三期梅毒 - tertiary syphilis

n.尿道梅毒 - urethral syphilis

n.花柳病,淋病-梅毒 - veneral disease syphilis

n.內臟梅毒 - visceral syphilis

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