falsework['fɔ:lswə:k]n. 腳手架;臨時支架
falsework 腳手架;工作架;膺架;拱架;arch falsework 楔形磚;拱形支撐;ANLI Falsework 安利腳手架租賃有限公司;Metal Falsework Buckle 金屬腳手架扣件;falsework scaffold staging 腳手架;
1.Discusses emphatically the sliding falsework, which includes the material, conformation, manufacture, welding and assembling of the shape steel tape falsework. 重點分析了型鋼管胎架的材料、構造、製作、拼裝及搭設;
2.CONBOX is specifically developed for the analysis and design of post-tensioned and cast-in-place reinforced concrete box girder and slab bridges constructed on falsework. CONBOX 專用於分析設計後張預應與現場澆築鋼筋混凝土箱梁及構建於支架的平板橋的軟件。
3.The paper studies the integral curvilinear sliding construction for truss structure by using shape steel tube falsework for first time, which develops the technology of sliding construction. 以擴建工程中工作船碼頭靠船構件為例,介紹型鋼混凝土結構在碼頭靠船構件設計中的應用及結構特點。