v. conceive of ,envisage ,guess ,opine
imagine[i'mædʒin]vt. 想像;猜想;臆斷vi. 想像;猜想;想像起來
IMAGINE 想像;幻想;想像;想想看!;Imagine Cup 創新杯;微軟潛能創意盃;潛能創意盃;全球學生大賽;imagine this 試想;Just Imagine 叛逆野玫瑰;想一想;就只想像;Imagine Peace 想像和平;
1.I can hardly imagine such a scene. 我無法想像出這樣的情景。
2.Can you imagine life without hot water? 你能想像沒有熱水的生活嗎?
3.Try to imagine it. 試著去想像一下。
I can imagine what is going through your head. - 我能想像你的頭腦正在考慮什麼事。
I can't imagine why. - 我想不通為什麼。
Can you imagine what it would be like to live without electricity? - 你能想像出生活中沒有電會是怎麼樣的一種情形嗎?
I can't imagine that anyone cares about what I do. - 我想不出誰會關心我的所做所為。
I imagine I'll do some work instead of going to the movies. - 我想我將做一些工作而不是去看電影。
Let us imagine a hypothetical case where we disagree. - 讓我們假設一個我們不同意的狀況。
I imagine it was part of a dinosaur. - 我猜那是恐龍的一部分骨骼。
They could imagine who was at the door. - 他們無法想像門那邊有誰在。
I imagine you are tried after your trip. - 我想你旅行回來一定疲憊不堪吧。
We sometimes imagine a desert island to be a sort of paradise where the sun always shines. - 我們有時想像荒島是陽光終日普照的天堂。
Let's imagine a hypothetical case where we disagree. - 讓我們假設一個我們不同意的狀況。
Can you imagine how much he paid for that car? - 你能想像他買那車花了多少錢嗎?
I imagine you're not very interested in politics. - 我想你一定對政治不感興趣。
I imagine that hurt a lot. - 我可以想像那是很疼的。
Some stories are for swallowing. Imagine that you have found a good story, and, what is even more important, the time to enjoy it. You might be on holiday, or on a long train journey. If it is a good book, you might say, It's so good I can't put it dow - 「這本書太好了,我捨不得把它放下。」但是並非所有的故事書都屬於這一類。書評家們有時把一些書說成是「難以釋手」的書,或者是「難以再讀」的書。
You can imagine how useful this is, particularly in countries like China and Japan, which use written characters not letters. - 你可以想像得到,特別是在中國和日本這些使用文字而不是字母的國家,這是多麼有用處!