neton. 否決權
neto 謄清的稿子;騰清的文件;耐特奧;Michel NETO 名士首席執行長彌稀爾;Neto Otacilio 名前鋒鋒奧塔西裡奧;Coelho Neto 科略內托;Neto Valente 華年達;
1.By Robert Burns netO my love is like a red, red rose, That's newly sprung in June; 一朵紅紅的玫瑰 羅伯特·彭斯 啊,我的愛人像紅紅的玫瑰, 在六月裡苞放;
2.If there's an echo of Martin Luther King Jr. in some of Neto's pronouncements, it's because the slain civil rights leader is a source of inspiration for him and also for Silva. 如果說內圖的理想中有美國黑人民權領袖馬丁·路德·金的影子,那是因為這位黑人領袖為內圖提供了激勵和靈感,對西爾瓦而言也是如此。
3.Neto, who grew up in a poor neighborhood of Sao Paulo, South America's largest city, made his name as a singer before making the jump to television as host of a Sunday variety show. 內圖在南美洲最大城市聖保羅長大。他以歌手身份成名,隨後投身電視娛樂界,主持一檔週日電視綜合欄目。欄目中最著名的一個板塊名為「公主日」。在這一板塊中,欄目組從貧民窟裡挑選出一位婦女作為大獎得主。