single-phase kilowatt-hour meter single-phase KWH meter single-phase watthour meter single-phase 單相電度表;single-phase kilowatt-hour meter single-phase KWH meter single-phase watthour meter single-phase 單相電度表;single-phase kilowatt-hour meter single-phase KWH meter single-phase watthour meter single-phase 單相電度表;single-phase kilowatt-hour meter single-phase KWH meter single-phase watthour meter single-phase 單相電度表;phase changer phase converter phase switcher shifter 換相器;
1.The phase speciations of trace thallium in the Yunfu pyrite ore are analyzed, including exchange phase, carbonate phase, oxide phase organic, sulfide phase and phase combined with quartz etc. 分析了雲浮硫鐵礦中微量鉈的相態分佈,包括可交換相,碳酸鹽結合相,鐵錳氧化物結合相,有機質及硫化物結合相,硅酸鹽結合相等相態。
2.The three-phase circuit that has balanced three-phase sources, balanced (equal) three-phase loads and balanced three-phase line-impedances is called a balanced three-phase system. 一個具有對稱三相電源,對稱三相負載和對稱三相線路阻抗的三相電路被稱為三相對稱電路。
3.The single phase three wire system is used for the power supply of single phase load, the three phase three wire (△)system for the three phase load, and the three phase four wire(△0 . 對低壓電網單、三相負荷供電方式進行了分析比較,認為單、三相應分開供電。
4.And once we complete phase two, we are going to be moving to a crucial phase, phase three, and that phase ends with the de-nuclearization of the Korean peninsula. 一旦我們完成第二階段,我們就要進入關鍵的階段,就是第三階段,這個階段最終要實現朝鮮半島無核化。
5.According to PLUS and each PAP , To arrange SDT meeting, phase month review, phase exit review and customer master sample review with SDT team from phase 1 to phase
5. 參照產品投產系統程序和項目進度要求,組織SDT會議,並和項目小組成員一起進行項目月度回顧,階段推出回顧及客戶主樣品的評審等。
will move decisively from the second phase to the third, - 就可以明確地從第2階段進入第3階段。
But this phase of our development is now finished. - 但這個發展階段已經結束。
tertiary phase diagram - 三元相圖
n. three phase half-wave rectification - 三相半波整流
triple phase aresol - 三相氣霧劑
three phase motor - 三相電動機
n. rolling in two phase region - 兩相區內壓延
n. rolling in two phase region - 兩相區內軋制
n. two phase region - 兩相應
n. dual phase steel sheet - 兩相鋼板
n. pseudobinary phase diagram - 偽二元相圖
n. pseudobinary phase diagram - 偽二元相態圖
phase inversion - 位相倒置
n. phase analysis - 位相分析
phase variation - 位相變易
phase microscope; phasemicroscope - 位相顯微鏡
rising phase of temperature - 體溫上升期
falling phase of temperature - 體溫下降期
full-wave phase control - 全波相位控制
n. coherent phase diagram - 凝固相圖
n. separate phase transformation - 分離相變
n. pressure-temperature phase diagram - 壓力-溫度相圖
n. pressure-temperature phase diagram - 壓力—溫度相圖
semi-liquid phase process - 半液相過程
n. single phase transformation - 單相形成
double-antibody solid phase technique - 雙抗體固相技術
n. two phase molding - 雙相模塑
two phase mortality - 雙相死亡現象
reversed phase partition - 反相分配
reversed phase method - 反相法
reversed phase system; reversed-phase system - 反相系統
inversed phase chromatography; reversed phase chromato graphy; reversed phase chromato-graphy; reversion phase chromato graphy; reversion phase chromato-graphy - 反相色譜法
reverse phase thin layer chromatography - 反相薄層層析
n. vanadium containing dual phase steel - 含釩雙相鋼
stationary phase volume - 固定相體積
stationary phase bed - 固定相床
stationary phase index - 固定相指數
stationary phase gradient - 固定相梯度
stationary phase pollution - 固定相污染
stationary phase bleeding - 固定相流失
stationary phase fraction - 固定相部分
solid phase immune electron microscopy - 固相免疫電鏡檢查
solid phase radioimmunoassay - 固相入射免疫測定
n. solid phase machining mode - 固相加工方式
solid phase synthesis - 固相合成
solid phase diffusion - 固相擴散
solid phase radioimmunoassay - 固相放射免疫分析
n. solid phase machining mode - 固相機械加工方式
n. solid phase bonding - 固相粘結
solid phase polymerization; solid polymerization - 固相聚合
immobilized enzyme; immobilizedenzyme; inoluble enzyme; inolubleenzyme; solid phase enzyme - 固相酶
solubilizing phase diagram - 增溶相圖
n.絕對不應期 - absolute refractory phase
n.加速死亡期 - accelerating death phase
n.減酸期 - acid declining phase
急性相 - acute phase
急性期蛋白,急性期蛋白質 - acute phase protein
n.時相蛋白 - acute phase proteins
急性期反應物 - acute phase reactant
肛門期 - anal phase
n.水相 - aqueous phase
動脈攝影,動脈造影 - arterial phase
n.上升相 - ascending phase
n.無性生殖階段 - asexual reproductive phase
n.摻雜液相 - blended liquid phase
n.鍵合液相 - bonded liquid phase
n.鍵合相層析 - bonded phase chromatography
n.鍵合相填充物,鍵合相填料 - bonded phase packing
n.鍵合固定相 - bonded stationary phase
n.刷型鍵合固定相 - brush type bonded stationary phase
n.微血管期 - caoillary phase
毛細管相 - capillary phase
n.心臟相位分析法 - cardiac phase analysis
n.細胞窘迫期 - cell distress phase
n.細胞分裂時相 - cell phase
n.頭期 - cephalic phase
n.胃液分泌頭期 - cephalic phase of gastric secretion
化學相 - chemical phase
n.代償期 - compensatory phase
n.共軛相 - conjugate phase
n.連續相 - continuous phase
n.連續周相培養 - continuous phase culture
收縮期,收縮相 - contraction phase
n.氣相裂化 - cracking in vapour phase
n.極期 - critical phase
n.氰基鍵合相 - cyano bonded phase
n.衰退期 - decline phase
n.對數減少期 - decreased logarithmic phase
n.分送相,遠送相 - delivery phase
n.除極期 - depolarzation phase
n.下降相 - descending phase
n.舒張期 - diadtolic phase
診斷面 - diagnostical phase
舒張期,擴張期 - diastolic phase
n.心張期指數 - diastolic phase index
n.雙核階段 - dicaryon phase
n.稀相系統 - dilute phase system
n.分散相,瀰散相 - disperse phase
n.分散相 - dispersed phase
n.雙抗體固相技術 - double-antibody solid phase technique
n.隱蔽期 - eclipe phase
n.隱晦期 - eclipse phase