precent[pri'sent]vi. 領誦;領唱vt. 領誦(讚美詩);領唱(禱文)
Cum Precent 累計百分數;precent blur 模糊百分比;depreciation fifty precent method 五成折舊法;precent age of enlargement 放大百分比;
1.More than fourty precent of growths in brain are gliomas. 超過百分之四十的大腦生長存在膠質瘤。
2.Our national acid rain is growing overspread. Acid rain areas is territorial thirty precent. Our country has become the third larger serious areas after Europe, North American in the world. 我國酸雨正呈蔓延之勢,酸雨區面積占國土面積的30%,已成為繼歐洲、北美之後世界第三大重酸雨區。
3.The caster alters the fate of an entire battle. All friendly units receive unnatural luck for the rest of the battle. Each hit against a lucky unit has a fifty precent chance of not wounding him. 法師改變整場戰鬥的命運,所有友軍將獲得異常的好運,讓本已擊中他們的攻擊有一半機會並沒有真正傷害到他們。