A Study on Marketing Channel Profits Distribution Based on Market Information and Channel Power Structure 下一篇論文: 基於市場信息和渠道權力結構的營銷渠道利潤分配研究;A Study on Marketing Channel Profits Distribution Based on Market Information and Channel Power Structure 下一篇論文: 基於市場信息和渠道權力結構的營銷渠道利潤分配研究;double-channel echo well depth sounder double-channel echo well sounder 雙通道回聲井深測試儀;double-channel echo well depth sounder double-channel echo well sounder 雙通道回聲井深測試儀;double-channel echo well depth sounder double-channel echo well sounder 雙通道回聲井深測試儀;
1.A provincial satellite TV channel should be a brand channel.
2. To be a bardian speciality channel. 做一個有個性的專業頻道,而且是大眾化的專業頻道;
2.The channel conflict management is an important part of channel management and effective incentive mechanism design is the core issue of channel conflict management. 渠道衝突管理是渠道管理的重要內容,而渠道衝突管理的核心是設計有效的渠道成員激勵機制。
3.While because of the different channel characteristics in each channel, the receiver needs some mechanisms to characterize the channel effects in coherent demodulation. 另外,各個子信道不同的信道特徵,要求接收端相關解調用一定的機制來近似每個子信道的信道特徵。
4.In production, every mobile telephone is checked for carrier frequency, primary-channel power, adjacent-channel power, and alternate-channel power. 在生產中,每部手機都要檢查載波頻率,主信道功率,ACP,交替信道功率。
5.Main rails 20 x 40 mm hot rolled channel (single piece) with substantial plate and channel drag boxes for the "Railroad Warehouse" couples, (very nice), and one channel frame stretcher. 主要鋼軌20 × 40毫米熱軋通道(單件),有大量板和「鐵路倉庫」耦合通道拖箱,(非常好),和一個通道幀擔架。
I called channel five. - 我打電話給了第五頻道。
Yes, I'm watching Channel 5. - 是的,我在看5頻道。
What's on Channel 8 now? - 現在8頻道播什麼節目?
What channel are you watching now? - 現在你在看哪個新聞?
There is an interesting film on Channel one. - 在一頻道有一部有趣的電影。
Last year, we were travelling across the Channel and Jane put a piece of paper with her name and address on it into a bottle. - 去年,當我們橫渡英吉利海峽時,簡把寫有她姓名和住址的一張紙條裝進了一隻瓶子,
Debbie Hart is going to swim across the English Channel tomorrow. - 黛比。哈特準備明天橫渡英吉利海峽。
Among them will be Debbie's mother, who swam the Channel herself when she was a girl. - 他們當中還會有黛比的母親,她本人還是個姑娘時,也曾橫渡過英吉利海峽!
The world had to wait almost another 100 years for the Channel Tunnel. - 世界不得不再等將近100年才看到海峽隧道竣工。
steam boats carried thousands of visitors across the Channel from Europe. - 但汽船還是把成千上萬的參觀者從歐洲大陸送過了英吉利海峽。
but they can still stop you when you are going through the Green Channel and have nothing to declare. - 但是,當你通過綠色通道,沒有任何東西需要申報時,他們仍可以攔住你。
'He had travelled only seven miles across the Channel when his engine failed and he was forced to land on sea. - 但他只在海峽上空飛行7英里,引擎就發生了故障,他只好降落在海面上。
transmission from one channel to another - 傳經
qi of chong channel ascending adversely - 沖氣
double channel catheter - 雙腔導尿管
dual channel operation - 雙路遠轉
dual channel detection system - 雙道探測系統
attack of taiyang channel by wind - 太陽中風
taiyang channel syndrome - 太陽經病
disparate channel point selection; disparate channel ppoint selection - 異經取穴法
channel tropism - 歸經
corresponding channel point selection - 循經選穴
the pericardium channel of hand jueyin - 心主
heart malnutrition in infant; malnutrition of the heart channel type - 心疳
the Lung Channel of Hand-Taiyin - 手太陰肺經
channel disease - 是動
channel disease - 是動病
n. channel type low frequency induction furnace - 有芯低頻感應爐
n. channel type induction furnace - 有芯感應爐
sample channel atio - 樣品道比
n. channel type low frequency induction furnace - 槽式低頻感應爐
n. channel type induction furnace - 槽式感應爐
channel fever; land fever - 河床熱
n. channel sampling - 河床採樣
n. channel type low frequency induction furnace - 管道式低頻感應爐
n. channel type induction furnace - 管道式感應爐
channel needling; one of the nine needlings in ancient times - 經刺
channel qi - 經氣
channel qi - 經渠
channel points massage - 經穴推拿
channel transmission; channeltransmission - 經絡感傳
channel transmission; channeltransmission - 經絡感傳現象
channel transmission; channeltransmission - 經絡敏感
channdl electrometry; channel electrometry; electric measuurement of a channel - 經絡電測定法
channel system; the meridian system - 經絡系統
detector of channel and acupuncture point - 經絡經穴探測儀
compehensive channel therapy - 經絡綜合療法
channel tunnel - 經隧
cough with the lung channel involved; pulmonary cough - 肺經咳嗽
the spleen channel of foot-taiyin - 足太陰脾經
the Gallbladder Channel of Foot-Shaoyang - 足少陽膽經
the stomach channel of foot-yangming - 足陽明胃經
transformation from one channel to another; transmission from one channel to anlther - 過經
dredge the channel and open the orifices - 通經開竅
channel width - 道寬
channel ratio method; channel-ratio method - 道比法
yangming channel disease - 陽明經病
channel fever; land fever - 陸地熱
n.寒滯肝脈 - accumulation of cold in the liver channel
n.相鄰通道 - adjacent channel
n.肝經氣火上逆 - adverse flow of qi and fire in the liver channel
n.太陽中風 - attack of taiyang channel by wind
n.經絡阻滯 - blockage of channel
n.鈣離子通道 - calcium channel
鈣通道活化劑 - calcium channel activator
鈣通道顯效劑 - calcium channel agonist
鈣通道阻斷劑 - calcium channel blocker
鈣通道阻斷作用 - calcium channel blocking
鈣通道阻斷劑 - calcium channel blocking drug
n.太陽傷寒 - cold-stroke syndrome of taiyang channel
n.絡 - collateral branch of the large channel
n.經絡綜合療法 - compehensive channel therapy
n.循經選穴 - corresponding channel point selection
n.心咳 - cough due to unvolvement of the heart channel
n.肝經咳嗽 - cough due todisorder ofthe liver channel
n.脾咳 - cough related to the spleen channel
n.肺經咳嗽 - cough with the lung channel involved
n.肝經濕熱 - dampness and heat of the liver channel
n.伏沖 - deep-sited part of the chong channel
n.經絡經穴探測儀 - detector of channel and acupuncture point
n.異經 - disparate channel
n.異經取穴法 - disparate channel point selection
n.異經取穴法 - disparate channel ppoint selection
n.經別 - divergent channel
n.經脈學說 - doctrine of channel
n.雙腔導尿管 - double channel catheter
n.通經開竅 - dredge the channel and open the orifices
n.疏通經絡 - dredging the channel
雙通道檢測系統 - dual channel detection syste
n.雙道探測系統 - dual channel detection system
n.雙路遠轉 - dual channel operation
n.經絡電測定法 - electric measuurement of a channel
n.溫經散寒 - expelling pathogenic cold from channel
n.快通道 - fast channel
n.一陽 - first yang or shaoyang channel
n.一陰 - first yin or jueyin channel
n.頻道 - frequency channel
短桿菌肽A通道 - gramicidin A channel
短桿菌肽通道 - gramicidin channel
n.膽癉 - heat in the gallbladder channel
n.親水管 - hydrophilic channel
n.離子通道 - ion channel
n.虛裡 - large collateral of the stomach channel
n.心疳 - malnutrition of the heart channel type
n.循法 - massage along channel
n.血海蓄溢失常 - menoxenia due to dysfunction of chong channel
n.血海不足 - menoxenia due to insufficiency of ching channel
n.腎痺 - obstruction of the kidney channel