hibiscuses[hai'biskəs, hi-]n. [植]木槿;芙蓉花
1.The little seaside city was dressed up with beautiful hibiscuses, and I was destined to be rooted on this land. 下來。這座木槿掩映著的海濱小城,我真的要生於斯,長於斯,逝於斯了。有時,我靠著寬。
2.My husband and I bought a house by divided payment, around which was filled with hibiscuses. I did deem that my rest of life had been well nestled for sure. 生子,我和丈夫分期付款買了一套房子,小區裡種滿了木槿。我想,我的一生已經徹底安定。
3.On occasion, I leaned on the open balcony of my house, seeing the hibiscuses blossom and fade. Then my feeling was stirred up with thanksgiving and reminiscence, light like clouds afloat. 敞的陽台上,看樓前的木槿花開花落,心中便纏繞起浮雲舊事般溫柔的感恩與懷念。