the great highland bagpipe 最為著名也最常見的蘇格蘭高地風笛;Bohemian Highland 波希米高地;波 天子尋龍國語 希米高地;highland climate 高地氣候;高山氣候;高地 氣候;高山氣候 史上最黃的英語資料整理;Highland fling 蘇格蘭高地舞;foothill highland 丘陵地帶;
1.In light of the special highland climate conditions of Qingzang Railway, the vacuum dejectas collecting system suitable for highland passenger cars is selected. 根據青藏鐵路特殊的高原氣候條件,選擇了適合高原客車使用的真空集便系統。
2.These are feisty, energetic dogs whose sizes range from fairly small, as in the Norfolk, Cairn or West Highland White Terrier, to the grand Airedale Terrier. 這些活潑、精力旺盛的梗類犬,體形從小到大都有,體形較小的有羅福梗、凱安梗及西部高地白梗,體形高大的有萬能梗等。
3.Today, the descendents of two prominent Highland clans, the Duke of Argyll and the Duke of Atholl, hold strongly opposing views about it. 今天,蘇格蘭高地人的兩個重要的宗族的後裔阿蓋爾公爵和阿索爾公爵對此持截然不同的看法。
4.Bagpipes and dancing open the competitions of local sporting events, which are called Highland Gatherings. 高地風笛與利爾舞揭開了蘇格蘭高地運動盛會的序幕。
5.The typical Scottish garment, the kilt, is de rigeur when the Scots play the Great Highland bagpipes, e ecially when they march in parades. 蘇格蘭傳統的褶裙按照禮節是應該在演奏高地風笛時穿的,尤其是列隊前進的時候。