levees['levi]n. 堤壩(碼頭);(舊時君主或顯貴的)早晨接見vt. 為…築堤
levees 堤壩;co truction of levees 沖積堤工程;When the Levees Broke 決堤之時;四幕安魂曲;construction of levees 沖積堤工程;The levees are breaking 河堤已被雨水沖跨;我們的關係決堤了;
1.At least 200 homes have been evacuated in the southern part of the state as water poured through bridges and levees. 由於洪水淹沒了美國南部地區的部分橋樑和防洪堤,至少200戶居民被迫從該地區撤出。
2.Luckly, all staff and visitors were evacuated Saturday afternoon a few hours before the river burst from the levees. 幸運地,星期六下午河水沖出堤防前數個小時所有工作人員和遊客已被疏散。
3.It is the kindness to take in a stranger when the levees break, the selflessness of workers who would rather cut their hours than see a friend lose their job which sees us through our darkest hours. 我們民族可依賴的,正是那在大壩決堤時去營救陌生人的善良之心,和眼看同事要失業,寧願減少自己的工時以保留同事工作的無私精神伴隨我們度過了困難時期。