





a. littler


smalleradj. 較小,更小的


smaller 較小;更小巧;更小的;很小;smaller tremors 小地震;小震動,小地震;小震動,小地震(編輯:雨巷);小震動,小地震 [編輯:郭毅萌;smaller entities 比較小的個體;Make smaller 把時鐘弄小一點;smaller foraminifera 小型有孔蟲;小型有孔蟲類;


1.Please show me a smaller one. 請拿小一點的給我看看。

2.Do you have a smaller size? 你們有小一點的尺寸嗎?

3.But even then they are smaller than most sheep and milk goats. 但它們還是比大部分綿羊和產奶的山羊個子要小。


The global economy helps make the world smaller and smaller. - 在全球經濟的推動上,世界變得越來越小。

Please show me a smaller one. - 請給我看一件小一點的衣服。

It's smaller than the blue one. - 它比那件藍色的還要小。

Computers have become smaller and smaller, more and more powerful and cheaper and cheaper. - 計算機已經變得體積越來越小,功能越來越多,價格越來越低,

Any ship that crosses the Pacific is accompanied for many days by the smaller albatross, - 任何一艘橫度太平洋的輪船都會有一種小信天翁伴隨飛行許多天。

Where are your smaller computers? - 你們的小型電腦在那裡?

Compared with competing products, ours is smaller and lighter. - 比起其它競爭產品,我們的比較輕巧。

It's too far. The smaller one is nearer, and we've never been there before. - 那個太遠。小一點的那個近些,我們以前還從未去過那兒呢!

Every day he made one of the smaller animals bring him something to eat. - 每天他讓一隻小動物拿東西來給他吃。

Thanks to space satellites, the world itself is becoming a much smaller place and people from different countries now understand each other better. - 由於有了宇宙衛星,世界在變得小多了,來自不同國家的人現在彼此更瞭解了。

If we buy the smaller one, the IBM PC386, we might have to change it in a few years' time for a bigger one. - 如果我們買一台較小的IBM386的話,過幾年可能就得換一台較大的機子。

I believe we should buy the smaller one. - 我認為我們應該買較小的機子。

There is a zoo, an art museum, a boating lake, a smaller lake for model boats and, in winter, an ice-skating area. - 還有一個動物園、一座藝術博物館,一個供人划船用的湖。另有一個比較小的湖,供人們玩模型船艇,冬天就成為滑冰場。

New Zealand is an impotant agricultural country with a small population. In size it is bigger than Guangdong Province, yet has a much smaller population. - 新西蘭是一個人口很少的重要的農業國。新西蘭的面積比廣東省大,但人口卻少得多。

Now I could see a smaller deer next to the one my brother had pointed to. - 現在我可以看見一隻更小的鹿,它緊挨著我弟弟指的那一隻。


musculus pectoralis minor; smaller pectoral muscle - 胸小肌

musculus psoas minor; smaller psoas muscle - 腰小肌

smaller tympanic spine; spina tympanica minor - 鼓小棘

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