





n. federal reserve note ,flier ,invoice ,measurev. charge ,placard


Billn. 比爾(男名)


bill 賬單;帳單;比爾;票據;Government bill 政府議案;政府短期債券;政府支付證券;政府部門部門議案;Commercial Bill 商業匯票;商業 票據;商業票據, 商業匯票;商業票據,商業匯票;tax bill 稅法;徵稅單;dishonoured bill 拒付票據;不兌現匯票;退票;不兌現的匯票;


1.Bill also had a board bill. 比爾也有一個伙食賬單。

2.Are you Bill Jones? 你是比爾、瓊斯嗎?

3.The president drafted a bill which he presented to Congress. 總統起草了一個法案,並將它遞交給國會。


I have your bill right here. - 您的賬單在這裡。

Fine. The bill comes to $ 300 even. - 好。賬單上總共是300元整。

What time is my lunch date with Bill Levine? - 我與Bill Levine 約好的中飯時間是幾點?

I met with Bill York today. - 今天我跟Bill York會面了。

I met with Bill York. - 我與Bill York會面了。

Let me foot the bill tonight. Maybe you can treat me next time. - 今晚讓我付賬吧,也許下次你請客。

You'll be glad to hear that Bill is alive and kicking. - 比爾現在精神飽滿,你聽了一定很高興。

Are you Bill Jones? - 你是比爾、瓊斯嗎?

Our first bill came yesterday, and we have some questions. - 我們昨天收到的第一張帳單,有一些問題。

Fool, you added this bill up wrong! - 笨蛋,你把賬單加多了!

How much will the hospital bill be? - 住院費大概是多少錢?

Here's my credit card, just bill me. - 這是信用卡,請記賬吧。

How much is the electricity bill a month? - 每個月電費要多少錢?

How much is the telephone bill a month? - 每個月電話費要多少錢?

In the torchlight, he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recognized as Bill Wilkins, our local grocer. - 藉著電筒光。他看見一個人,馬上認出那是本地雜貨店主經比爾。威爾金斯。

that the annual drug bill of the Health Services is mounting to astronomical figures - 衛生部門的年度藥費上升到了天文數字,

Did you note the damage on the bill of lading? - 你把損壞情形註明在提貨憑單上了沒?

You didn't note the damage on the bill of lading. - 你沒有在提貨單上註明損壞情況。

Is Bill in, Sam? - 薩姆,比爾在家嗎?

Where does Bill sit in the classrooom? - 比爾坐在教室的那塊兒?

Yes, please. This is Bill here. Is that Mrs Read? - 是的,勞駕了。我是比爾。你是裡德夫人嗎?

Lin Tao did quite well, but Bill did better than Lin Tao. - 林濤跳得相當高,但是比爾比林濤跳得更高。

Get him his change! It's easy to say, sir; but look at the bill yourself. - 給他找錢!先生,說的倒輕巧,您自己來看看這張票子吧。


黑姆方案 - Helms-Hyde bill

n.老鶴草 - herb of common herons bill

藥費 - pharmacist's bill

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