deckle-edge 有毛邊的;imitation deckle-edge paper 仿手工紙;machine made deckle-edge paper 紙機制毛邊紙;
1.rough edge left by a deckle on handmade paper or produced artificially on machine-made paper. 在人造紙或是機器造紙時用使紙漿定型的制模框而形成的粗邊。
2.Antique feather-weights: Any good bulking, light weight paper with a rough surface. They are made in white and pale colours and some qualities have a deckle edge . 輕磅仿古紙:任何有適當厚度而輕身,表面粗糙的紙。可造成白色或其他淡的顏色;還可造成有毛邊的品質。
3.Deckle edge: The feathering edge of a sheet of handmade paper due to the pulp flows against the deckle. With machine-made papers, this effedt can be produced specifically. 手造紙:用紙模手式抄造的紙張。紙有毛邊。裝飾材料如顏料等可直接加入紙漿內。