





r. directly ,straightn. apartment ,flat tire ,flatbed ,flatcara. categoric ,compressed ,level ,prostrate


r. indirectlya. contrasty ,natural ,sharp


flat[flæt]adj. 平坦的;扁平的;淺的;單調的adv. 平直地;斷然地n. 平地;平面;公寓vi. 變平vt. 使變平


fall flat 失敗;未達到預期效果;碰壁;達不到預期效果,完全失敗;flat stroke 平擊球;平擊球/平發球;平擊;flat chisel 扁鑿;扁鏊;平鑿;平鑿, 扁鑿;optical flat 光學平晶;平晶;光學平面;單面平晶;flat roof 平屋頂;平台;平屋面;屋頂平台,屋頂花園;


1.The Earth is round, not flat. 地球是圓的,不是扁平的。

2.It gets flat. 它變成平的。

3.The world is flat, but not fair, because of opportunity! 世界是平的,卻是不公平的,因為有「機會」!


I was late because I had a flat tire. - 我來晚了,因為我的車壞了。

Sunrises. Stretch it out. Flat back. - 雙手捧日。盡量伸展。平背拉回。

Hi, this is Tony, I have a flat tire, could you come and pick me up? - 你好,我是托尼,我的車爆胎了,你能來接我嗎?

On the way back home,we had a flat tire. - 在途中回家,我們有一個輪胎破了。

In this flat country people grow wheat and corn and raise cattle. - 在這個平原國家人種小麥和玉米並且養牛。

has shared a flat with her cat, Rastus, for a great many years. - 多年來,一直同她養的貓拉斯一起住在一所公寓裡。

As his flat is in a large town, he has no garden of his own. - 他住在大城市裡的一所公寓裡,沒有自己的花園。

She had lived in the flat for thirty years and was a veritable magpie at hoarding; - 老婦人在這套公寓裡住了30年,她又是個名副其實的收藏家。

So their entry into this flat was apparently not the burglars' first job that day and they must have been disturbed. - 很明顯,闖進這套公寓的竊賊那天並不是首次作案,而且他一定受了驚嚇。

The inspector then asked the old lady to try to check what was missing by the next day and advised her not to stay alone in the flat for a few nights. - 巡官請老婦人在次日之前設法查清丟了些什麼,並勸她幾夜之內不要獨自一人在公寓過夜。

certainly it is more difficult than the arts which involve appreciation of flat forms, - 欣賞雕塑品當然比欣賞平面的藝術品要難。

Though they may atttain considerable accuracy in the perception of flat form, - 雖然他們對平面形的感覺能達到相當準確的程度,

gravity is the force that drives them in a continual attempt to restore the ocean surface to a flat plain. - 地球引力是持續不斷企圖使海面復原為平面的力量。

I stayed at Zheng Jie's flat for three months. - 那時候我就住在鄭傑的那套房間裡,住了三個月。

Yes. I'd like to invite you to dinner at my flat before I move. - 好的。我想在搬家前請你到我家吃飯。

This is because the surface of the earth is not flat but round. - 因為地球表面不是平的,而是圓的。


simple flat pelvis - 單層偏平骨盆

simple flat pelvis - 單純性扁骨盆

flat feeling in the mouth; tastelessness - 口中無味

flat grating - 平面光柵

flat uniform field phantom - 平面均勻視野模型

flat surface transducer - 平面型探頭

flat guide plate - 平面導板

n. flat spring - 平面簧

n. flat fillet weld - 平面角焊

flat field collimator - 平面野型準直器

flat peak - 平頂峰

flat topped wave - 平頂波

flat site of peak - 峰平坦區域

n. flat crushing - 平壓

flat pliers - 平嘴鑷

flat baseline; flatbaseline - 平坦基線

n. flat fillet weld - 平填角焊

n. flat head punch - 平頭沖頭

flat bedchromatogram; flat-bed chromatogram; flatbedchromatogram - 平床色譜圖

flat bottom - 平底

n. flat bottomed punch - 平底沖頭

flat bottom washing bottle - 平底洗瓶

flat bottom beaker - 平底燒杯

flat bottom flask; flat-bottomed flask - 平底燒瓶

flafoot; flat feet; pes planus - 平底足

flat foot viewer - 平底足檢查台

n. flat brush - 平板刷

flat bedchromatogram; flat-bed chromatogram; flatbedchromatogram - 平板色譜圖

n. flat board anode - 平板陽極

flat suture; sutura plana - 平縫

flat foot - 平足

n. flat chisel - 平鏨

n. flat trowel - 平鏝

n. flat brush - 扁刷

n. flat head punch - 扁頭沖頭

flat condyloma; mucous patch - 扁頭濕疣

flat epithelial cell - 扁平上皮細胞

flat papular syphilid; lenticular syphilid - 扁平丘疹性梅毒疹

n. flat pass method - 扁平孔型法

n. flat pass method - 扁平形孔型設計

flat hand; manus plana - 扁平手

flat fusiform cell; flat spindle cell - 扁平梭形細胞

condyloma latum; flat condyloma - 扁平濕疣

flat retractor - 扁平牽開器

flat bipolar cell - 扁平狀雙極細胞

flat wart; verruca plana - 扁平疣

flat mole; flat nevus; naevus planus - 扁平痣

flat ear - 扁平耳

flat chest; phthinoid chent - 扁平胸

flat colony - 扁平菌落


平底圓筒 - cylindrical tank with flat of bottom

n.不能偃臥 - inability to flat

n.不得偃臥 - inability to lie flat

n.窄平鉗 - narrow flat pliers

n.單層偏平骨盆,單純性扁骨盆 - simple flat pelvis

痙攣性扁平足 - spastic flat foot

n.角酰二乙胺片 - wedge flat lsd-25 tablet


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