anglaise[ɑ:ŋ'ɡleiz]n. 舊式的英國土風舞
anglaise 土風舞;英國舞曲;安格拉斯舞曲;anglaise serge 英式花嗶嘰;英式花嗶嘰(法);Capote anglaise 英國套;broderie anglaise 英格蘭刺繡品;malaise anglaise 英國病;
1.That was the count's favourite dance that he had danced in his youth. (Daniel Cooper was the name of a figure of the anglaise. 這是伯爵青年時代喜歡跳的一種舞蹈。(《丹尼拉·庫波爾》其實是英吉利茲舞的一節。)
2.The French aristocracy then learned of these useful items from their English friends and called them "Capote Anglaise" - English Raincoats. 法國貴族後來從他們英國朋友處得知這些有用玩意,並將之稱為「英國雨衣」。
3.Creme anglaise(French for English cream) The cream is made by whipping egg yolks and sugar together until the yolk is almost white, adding hot milk little by little, and cooking in a double boiler. 這種奶油通過打發蛋黃和糖直到蛋黃幾乎變白,一點點加入熱牛奶,在雙層蒸鍋中蒸煮。