1.Homelessness has been especially acute in Brighton, where Londoners have forced up house prices. 無家可歸現象在倫敦人迫使房價高漲的布萊頓尤為尖銳。
2.These are the days of dispossession, the season of homelessness, the time of evictions. 現在是強佔豪奪的日子,是無家可歸的季節,是被攆出家門的時候。
3.He has tried to re-create a kind of prelapsarian downtown where there is no crime or homelessness. 他試圖重建一種天真無邪的市區,那裡沒有犯罪、沒有無家可歸者。
4.A pivotal question was whether homelessness was a problem warranting federal intervention. 一個關鍵的問題是這些無家可歸的人的問題受到了聯邦政府的干涉。
5.Recalling my affliction and homelessness is wormwood and gall. 我回憶著我的困厄和痛苦,儘是茹苦含辛!