





a. self-generated ,spontaneous


induced[in'dju:st]adj. 感應的;誘髮型v. 引誘;說服(induce的過去分詞)


induced 感應的;感應;感生的;誘發突變;induced drag 誘導抗力;誘導阻力;誘導阻力係數;誘發阻力;induced mutation 誘導突變;誘發突變;(誘發突變):加入誘變劑造成的突變。;誘發突變:由於誘變劑的處理而產生的突變。;induced draft 誘導通風;抽氣通風;強制通風;誘導氣流;induced radioactivity 感生放射性;核輻射;誘發放射性;感應放射;


1.The fear induced by his face should be enough by itself. 因為他那讓人懼怕的面部就足夠嚇到對手了。

2.Experiment results show that removing the surface broken crystal layer of the cold drawn rod can prevent heat treatment induced cracks. 實驗結果表明,熱處理前去掉冷拉棒表面的碎晶層可以防止它在熱處理過程中產生裂紋。

3.For phenomenon of cure induced deformation which is widely existed in composite structures, its cause and possible solution are discussed in this paper. 針對複合材料結構中廣泛存在的固化變形現象,分析並討論了其產生原因和可能的解決措施。


artificial labor; induced labor - 人工引產

artificial pneumothorax; induced pneumothorax - 人工氣胸

artificial abortion; induced abortion - 人工流產

aspiration tube of induced abortion - 人工流產吸引管

ratio of induced abortion - 人工流產率

induced lysis - 人工溶解

epiphora induced by wind - 沖風淚出

dynamic induced effect - 動態誘導效應

stranguria induced by overstrain - 勞淋

herpes simplex viral induced antgens - 單純皰疹病毒誘發抗原

double lumen induced abortion aspiration tube - 雙腔人工流產吸引管

induced labor by oxytocin - 宮縮素引產術

host induced modification - 宿主誘發變異

vomiting in children induced by frightening - 小兒驚吐

diarrhea induced by fright - 驚瀉

epilepsy induced by terror; infantile convulsion - 驚癇

n. stress induced transformation - 應力誘導形變

n. stress induced transformation - 應力誘導轉變

n. strain induced transformation - 應變感生相變

n. strain induced transformation - 應變感生轉變

n. strain induced transformation - 應變誘導變換

induced delusion - 感應性妄想

induced psychosis - 感應性精神病

induced current stimulator - 感應電刺激器

induced current; induced electric current; inducedcurrent; induction current - 感應電流

n. induced magnetic anisotropy - 感應磁各向異性

induced current; inducedcurrent - 感流

induced dipole moment - 感生偶極距

induced radioactivity - 感生入射性

induced radio activity; induced radioactivity - 感生放射性

induced current; induced electric current; inducedcurrent - 感生電流

induced charge - 感生電荷

induced fluorescence imaging - 感生螢光顯像

n. hydrogen induced cracking - 氫誘發開裂

n. hydrogen induced cracking - 氫誘發裂紋

formaldehyde induced fluorescence method - 甲醛誘發螢光法

induced malaria; therapeutic malaria - 療病誘發瘧

corticosteroid induced cataract - 皮質因甾醇性白內障

corticosteroid induced glaucoma - 皮質類甾醇誘發性青光眼

n. magnetic field induced superconductor - 磁場感應超導體

n. magnetic field induced superconductor - 磁場誘導的超導體

n. induced magnetic anisotropy - 磁感應各向異性

n. particle induced X-ray emission analysis - 粒子激發X射線發射分析

drug induced sleep - 藥物睡眠

induced variation - 誘發變異

induced malaria - 誘發瘧疾

induced nystagmus - 誘發眼球震顫

induced mutation - 誘發突變

induced labyrinthine devation; ischemic leg disease - 誘發迷路性偏斜

induced dipole - 誘導偶極


n.人工流產吸引管 - aspiration tube of induced abortion

n.皮質因甾醇性白內障 - corticosteroid induced cataract

n.皮質類甾醇誘發性青光眼 - corticosteroid induced glaucoma

n.驚瀉 - diarrhea induced by fright

n.雙腔人工流產吸引管 - double lumen induced abortion aspiration tube

n.藥物誘發的 - drug induced

藥物性變態反應 - drug induced allergy

n.藥物睡眠 - drug induced sleep

毒害植物性 - drug induced suffering

藥物性蕁麻疹,藥疹 - drug induced urticaria

n.動態誘導效應 - dynamic induced effect

n.靜電感應加速器 - electrostatic induced accelerator

n.驚癇 - epilepsy induced by terror

n.沖風淚出,迎風流淚 - epiphora induced by wind

運動誘發哮喘 - exercise induced asthma

n.甲醛誘發螢光法 - formaldehyde induced fluorescence method

n.單純皰疹病毒誘發抗原 - herpes simplex viral induced antgens

n.宿主誘發變異 - host induced modification

n.離子感生的 - ion induced

左多巴感應性呼吸困難 - levodopa induced dyspnoea

n.陽厥 - mania induced by sudden emotional upset

噪聲性耳聾 - noise induced deafness

致癌病菌 - oncogenic virus induced cancer

n.輻射誘發的白內障;n.輻射誘發的白內障,輻射誘發的骨惡性腫瘤 - radiation induced

n.輻射導致的老化 - radiation induced aging

n.輻射誘發的乳腺癌 - radiation induced breast cancer

n.放射所致的 - radio induced

n.人工流產率 - ratio of induced abortion

n.勞淋 - stranguria induced by overstrain

n.這種胸部陣痛是由過力引起 - This chest pain is induced by exertion

n.誘導共振傳遞 - transmission of induced resonance

n.小兒驚吐 - vomiting in children induced by frightening

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