Barbaloin 蘆薈甘;蘆薈甙;蘆薈素;蘆薈大黃素甙 蘆薈甙 壩巴甘;Barbaloin Standard 蘆薈甘標準品;
1.This method could be applied to the quality control of total barbaloin in health food containing aloe. 此方法可作為含蘆薈保健品的質量鑒定的有效手段之一。
2.The proposed method is accurate, precise, rapid and suitable for the analysis of barbaloin in aloe-based health foods. 該法經濟、準確、快速,能夠用於蘆薈類保健食品中蘆薈甙的測定。
3.TLC analysis demonstrated that the content of four metabolites, barbaloin, homonataloin, aloenin and and 3 isomers of aloeresin were found in 3 Aloe species. 結果表明,被研究的蘆薈屬3種植物葉中主含的蒽醌類物質有:蘆薈素或高那特蘆薈素,蘆薈寧和蘆薈苦素。