underliningv. 在…下劃線
underlining 劃線標注;在...下面劃線;下面加畫橫線;在下面劃線;underlining felt 屋面襯氈;Using Italics and Underlining 斜體字與加底線;
1.In order to stay on top of your job, you should read in your field at least one hour per day, underlining and taking good notes. 要想在工作中出類拔萃,你應該每天都讀一小時的專業書籍,培養一種認真記筆記的好習。
2.Translated versions of their works made great hits in China's press once and again, underlining the charm of these books and demonstration the interest this nation takes in the future. 他們作品的翻譯版本一次又一次地給中國新聞界造成很大的衝擊,估計那些書在將來會產生很大的影響。
3.To format the data in a cell with single or double underlining, click Cells on the Format menu, click the Font tab, and click Single Accounting or Double Accounting in the Underline box. 單擊「格式」菜單中的「單元格」命令,在「字體」選項卡的「下劃線」下拉列表框中,選擇「會計用單下劃線」或「會計用雙下劃線」,可使活動單元格具有單下劃線或雙下劃線格式。