gilding 鍍金;貼金箔;金箔;裝金;electric gilding 電鍍金;gilding technique 貼金技術;鎦金技術;gilding metal 仿飾金;仿金合金;裝飾金屬;鍍金金屬;Dutch gilding 荷蘭金漆;
1.Mainly control on viscosity, the depth of the roller and oven temperature, dry finish, souvenirs…, direct gilding, die-cutting. 主要是控制好上光油的粘度,網紋輥的深度和烘箱的溫度即可,上光油瞬間乾燥,可直接燙金、模切。
2.Rotary: obtain in Rotary labelling business card printings and membership cards making computer, can the General continuous gilding, seldom-used, common printing gold stamping process in place. 圓壓圓:應用在圓壓圓標籤制卡和會員卡製作機上,速度快,可連續燙金,一般很少使用,普遍利用印金工藝代替燙金。
3.We walked in so pure and bright a light, gilding the withered grass and leaves, so softly and serenely bright, I thought I had never bathed in such a golden flood, without a ripple or a murmur to it. 我們漫步在如此純淨、明亮的景色中,枯草和樹葉被鍍上一層金,如此溫柔靜謐,我想我從來都沒有沐浴過這樣金色的陽光,寧靜得沒有一絲漣漪和聲響。
4."Ormolu: (from French dorured'or mould, "gilding with gold paste") Gold-coloured alloy made up of copper, zinc, and sometimes tin in various proportions But usually at least 50% copper. 仿金鍍料:具有黃金色澤的銅、鋅合金(有時加錫),比例不等,但通常至少含50%的銅。
5.above the chimney-piece hung a crucifix of copper, with the silver worn off, fixed on a background of threadbare velvet in a wooden frame from which the gilding had fallen; 上面,在通常掛鏡子的地方,有一個銀色已褪的銅十字架,釘在一塊破舊的黑線上,裝在一個金色暗敝的木框裡。