pupaladj. [昆]蛹的
pupal 蛹的;蛹的,蛹;pupal stage 蛹期;pupal diapause 蛹期滯育;pupal oil 蠶蛹油;pupal fat 蛹油;
1.Hygroscopicity and moisture retention of chitins and chitosans from shrimp shell, crab shell, fly pupal cases and verhoeff were investigated. 對蝦、蟹、蠅蛹和蟬子蟲為原料的甲殼素和殼聚糖的吸濕性和保濕性進行了研究。
2.In this paper, the method to develop functional knitted underwear by use of pupal protein-viscose filament and other fibers as main raw material was discussed. 採用蛹蛋白粘膠長絲為主要原料開發緯編針織內衣面料,拓寬新原料在針織產品開發中的應用範圍。
3.Are perhaps three days of the year, in the torment of me, lessons, therefore, it fishes in that vague pain in the grown up, such as breaking pupal cocoon-like . 也許是初三那一年裡,在折騰中的我,受了點教訓,於是,便在那絲絲隱約的痛中長大了,如蛹破繭化蝶般。