shirtsleeves(pl.)n. 襯衣袖子
1.Cassocks are floor-length garments that have long sleeves fitted like shirtsleeves. 長大衣長度及地長袖如同襯衫的長袖。
2.At a bank across the street, employees appeared in their shirtsleeves, waving spades and iron rods. 跨街的一家銀行,僱員們挽起袖子,揮舞著鐵棒和鏟鍬。(譯者:當俺們跳大神啊,真不敬)
3.It looks as if they heard me, because on the local news this noon, the young weatherman appeared with his tie loosened and his shirtsleeves rolled up, a sure sign of a winter-storm warming. 上天好像聽到了我的話,因為中午的地方新聞中,年輕的氣象預報員解開了他的領帶,把袖口也捲了起來,這很明顯就是冬季暴風雪的徵兆。