SPPabbr. 太陽光度測定器(Solar Photometry Probe);系統組(合)件設計(System Package Plan);定序分組協議(Sequential Packet Protocol);立管壓力
SPP Serial Port Profile;System Platform Processor;間規聚苯乙烯;間規聚丙烯;Alcaligenes spp 產鹼菌屬某些種;產鹼菌桿屬某種;Arthrobacter spp 節桿菌屬某些種;Bordetella spp 博德特菌屬某些種;桿菌屬;Capnocytophaga spp 二氧化碳嗜纖維菌屬某些種;二氧化碳嗜纖維菌屬;
1.Yeast that can use starch directly, except for Endomycopsis and Trichosporon spp. was isolated from Lin-fan rice wine starter during the saccharification. 從淋飯酒母搭窩糖化期中分離出許多能直接利用澱粉的酵母(擬內孢黴和絲孢酵母以外的酵母)。
2.The frequency components of the groove wobbles of disks are extracted from push-pull signals SPP by first and second filters in a wobble detecting section. 利用在擺動檢測部分中的第一和第二濾波器,從推挽信號SPP中提取光盤上的槽擺動的多個頻率份量。
3.Next, we use a magnetic current line source or electric dipole source in place of the plane wave to examine the coupling between the SPP and a point source. 接著我們把平面波改成用一個磁流線源或電偶極來等效一個發光波源,以模擬表面電漿波和波源之間的耦合現象。