subscale['sʌb,skeil]n. 內部氧化物,皮下氧化,次生氧化皮
subscale 內部氧化物;皮下氧化 次生氧化皮 內部氧化物;次生氧化皮;皮下氧化;subscale mark 副標度標記;子刻度標記;subscale attack 皮下腐蝕;subscale bacteria corrosion 皮下細菌腐蝕;
1.Results:There was significant difference between the female and the male groups in social health subscale(P<0. 05). 結果:男女組之間在社會健康子量表方面具有顯著性差異(P<0。05)。
2.The overall score of HRQOL was 51. 56, among four subscales, these employees scored highest on the physical health subscale and lowest on the environment subscale. 而整體健康相關生活品質量表之得分為51。56,各份量表之得分以生理健康範疇最高,環境範疇最低。
3.Cancer-related physical impairments were identified through a physical examination, the 6-Minute Walk Test, and the Functional Independence Measure Mobility Subscale. 癌症相關體格缺陷通過體格檢查-(六分鐘步行測試)來鑒定,和功能獨立測量活動性模式。