n. decease ,demise ,destruction ,last
n. birth ,nascence ,nascency ,nativity
death[deθ]n. 死;死亡;死神;毀滅
death 死亡;死神;逝去;死亡金屬;to death 十分;極度;嚇死了;極,非常;Death Metal 死亡金屬;死亡金屬;死金屬;死亡金屬音樂;death rate 死亡率;病死率/實驗性死亡率;釋義:死亡率;死亡率 城市規劃;NAPALM DEATH 死亡汽油彈;被凝固汽油彈燒死;輾核天皇樂團;汽油彈;
1.Busy for living, or busy for death. 要麼忙著生活,要麼忙著死亡。
2.Death is the greatest virtue of Nature. 死亡是大自然最偉大的美德。
3.I think my daughter suffocated to death. 我想我的女兒是窒息而死的。
Her next book will come out later this month. The name of the book is The Death of a Housewife. - 她的下一本書這個月晚些時候出版,書名是《家庭主婦之死》。
It is a matter of life and death to me. - 那對我是生死交關的問題。
Drugs were the death of him. - 毒品斷送了他的生命。
The passengers were scared to death as the taxi whizzed along. - 出租車風馳電掣般地駛著,乘客嚇得要命。
The news of Tom's death filled us with grief. - 湯姆的噩耗,使得我們滿懷悲傷。
They cannot help but be grieved by the death of a friend. - 眼見朋友死亡,自己卻無能為力,他們感到深深的悲哀。
A fair death honours the whole life. - 死得光明,終身榮耀。
Better a glorious death than a shameful life. - 忍辱貪生不如死得光榮。
He that fears death lives not. - 怕死者活不了。
He who sees through life and death will meet with most success. - 看破生死者,大多會成功。
Life without a friend is death without a witness. - 在世無朋友,死後無證人。
The death of wolves is the safety of the sheep. - 群狼一死眾羊安。
The life of the wolf is the death of the lamb. - 狼的生就是羔羊的死。
The swan sings when death comes. - 死期來到,天鵝歌聲美妙。
Nothing but death can part the couple. - 除了死之外,什麼也拆不散這一對。
He had to choose between death and dishonor. - 他不得不在死亡和恥辱之間選擇。
You either starve to death or live like Robinson Crusoe, Waiting for a boat which never comes. - 要麼餓死,要麼像魯濱孫那樣,天天盼船來,卻總沒見船影。
Comedians base their jokes on tragic situation like violent death or serious accidents. - 喜劇演員根據悲劇情節諸如暴死,重大事故等來編造笑話。
the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble. - 如果怕死;就有點兒可憐又可鄙。
but at this age the likelihood of death is least. - 但在這個年齡死亡的可能性最小。
There are even stories of half-trained elephant calves who have refused to feed and pined to death when by some unavoidable circumstance they have been deprived of their own trainer. - 訓練了一半的小象,由於不可避免的情況與他們的主人分離後,竟拒絕吃食,消瘦至死。
Whether the remarkable growth of organized camping means the eventual death of the more independent kind is hard to say. - 有組織的露營活動的明顯發展是否意味著較獨立的自我封閉式露營的最終消失,還很難說。
Shylock must promise to leave the money upon his death to his daughter and her husband. - 夏洛克必須答應在他死後把這筆財產留給他的女兒和女婿。
The death of Gandhi gave India a chance to mourn and express how he had become father to all Indians. Millions watched the slow march that took his body through the capital. - 甘地之死給印度一個悼念的機會,讓人們表達他是怎樣成為全印度人民的父親的。
death by poisoning - 中毒死
clinical death stage - 臨床死亡期
death die a natural death - 享盡天年
adjusted death rate - 修正死亡率
death from cold; freeze to death - 凍死
accelerating death phase - 加速死亡期
death from hemorrhage - 失血死
sudden infant death syndrome - 嬰兒猝死綜合征
ageadjusted death rate - 年齡校正死亡率
sudden cardiac death syndrome - 心臟性猝死綜合征
sudden death from angio cardiopathy - 心血管疾病急死
sudden death caused by acute infectious diseases - 急性傳染病急死
death from manual strangulation - 扼死
death feigning; deathfeigning - 擬死
death due to trussing up - 捆綁死
cause of death in wouns - 損傷死因
sudden unexpected death in newborn - 新生兒意外猝死
standard mortality rate; standardized death rate; standardized mortality rate - 標準死亡率
specific death rate; specific mortality - 死亡專率
death instinct - 死亡本能
death rate; deaths total ratio; doath rate; mortality; mortality rate - 死亡率
death statistics - 死亡統計
death note - 死亡記錄
death certificate - 死亡證明書
death diagnosis - 死亡診斷
death ray - 死光
death trance; deathtrance - 死狀迷睡
maternal death rate; maternal mortality - 母死率
sudden death in water - 水中急死
thermal death time - 熱寂時間
death from drowning - 溺死
agony; death struggle; psychorrhagia - 瀕死掙扎
death from burning - 燒死
death from scald - 燙死
thermal death time - 熱死時間
thermal death point - 熱死溫度
thermal death point - 熱死點
thermal death rate - 熱死率
thermal death point - 熱斃點
thermal death inactivation point - 熱滅活點
sudden death syndrome - 猝死綜合征
death from illness - 病故
crude death rate; crude mortality ratio - 粗死亡率
cells mitotic death of - 細胞分裂死亡
cells death loss of function vs - 細胞功能的喪失與死亡
cells reproductive death of - 細胞的再增殖死亡
death from aging - 老衰死
sudden death due to pancreatic disease - 胰病猝死
death from lightning - 雷擊死
subben death syndrome - 青壯年猝死綜合征
n.加速死亡期 - accelerating death phase
n.意外死亡 - accidental death
實際死亡率 - actual death rate
n.急性心臟性死亡 - acute cardiac death
急性死 - acute death
急性硫化氫中毒 - acute death from hydrogen sulfide poisoning
n.修正死亡率 - adjusted death rate
特定年齡死亡率,年齡特異性死亡率 - age-specific death rate
n.年齡校正死亡率 - ageadjusted death rate
n.過敏急死 - anaphylactic death
麻醉死亡 - anesthetic death
n.胎兒產前死亡 - antepartum fetal death
n.假死 - apparent death
n.病危,病得很厲害 - be sick to death
n.生物學死亡 - biological death
n.鼠疫 - black death
失血致死,出血死亡 - bleeding to death
n.骨髓死亡,骨髓型死亡 - bone marrow death
n.大腦死亡,腦死亡 - brain death
腦死問題 - brain death issue
癌死亡率 - cancer death rate
n.心臟死亡 - cardiac death
中毒死例 - case of toxic death
直接死因 - cause directly leading to death
n.死亡原因 - cause of death
n.損傷死因 - cause of death in wouns
n.細胞死亡 - cell death
n.細胞功能的喪失與死亡 - cells death loss of function vs
n.細胞分裂死亡 - cells mitotic death of
n.細胞的再增殖死亡 - cells reproductive death of
中央死亡率 - central death rate
n.腦型死亡,中樞神經系統型死亡 - central nervous system death
腦死亡 - cerebral death
腦死體 - cerebral death body
死亡證明書,死亡診斷書 - certificate of death
n.臨床死亡 - clinical death
n.臨床死亡期 - clinical death stage
凍死 - cold death
n.死亡的確證 - conclusive proof of death
n.死因構成 - constitution of causes of death
冠狀動脈死亡 - coronary death
校正死亡率 - corrected death rate
n.童床死亡,搖籃死 - crib death
n.童床死亡,搖籃死 - cot death
n.嬰兒急死 - crid death
腦死標準 - criteria of brain death
n.粗死亡率 - crude death rate
n.死亡日期 - date of death
n.享盡天年 - death die a natural death
n.拚命 - defy death