groundlesslyadv. 毫無根據地
groundlessly 無依據地;
1.Four Jews were charged with being incendiaries, were regarded as a gang of robbers, and, to my mind, quite groundlessly. 四個猶太人被指控為縱火犯,被當作是一夥強盜,而在我看來,毫無依據。吃晚飯時我非常愉快,又侷促不安,都不知道自己說了些什麼。
2.The idea supporting the grand jury is that people's life, body and honor are so important that it should not be harassed groundlessly. 支撐這一制度的觀念基礎是:一個人的生命、身體和尊嚴非常重要,它們不應當受到任何權力或權利的無端騷擾。
3.For instance, at the outset of the war many people were groundlessly optimistic, underestimating Japan and even believing that the Japanese could not get as far as Shansi. 例如在抗戰初起時,許多人有一種毫無根據的樂觀傾向,他們把日本估計過低,甚至以為日本不能打到山西。