KPCabbr. 科威特石油公司(Kuwait Petroleum Corporation);千秒差距(kiloparsec)
KPC 科威特石油公司;科威特國家石油公司;國有科威特石油公司;PT Kaltim Prima Coal;C Industrial kPC 工業控制微機;KPC Key product Characteristic 關鍵產品特性;KPC Key product Characteristic 要害產品特性;
1.KPC Products, Inc. is the U. S. office for Kaiser Pharmaceutical Co. KPC產品公司是台灣KP公司在美國的辦事處。
2.That not only allows KPC to extract more profit from its oil, but also provides it with useful intelligence for its dealings with other distributors. 那不僅使KPC從石油中獲取更多的利潤,而且向它提供了與其它經銷商進行合作的有意信息。
3.Although KPC's upstream division enjoys a monopoly over oil production in Kuwait, its retailing arm, Q8, competes with multinational rivals in Europe. 儘管KPC的上游鏈部門在科威特享有壟斷的石油生產,但其零售部門Q8則在歐洲與各國公司進行競爭。