





n. neonate ,newborn baby ,newborn infanta. new-sprung


newborn['nju:bɔ:n]adj. 新生的;再生的n. 嬰兒


newborn 新生兒;新生仔;嬰兒;新生;Newborn Baby 新生兒:;新生兒;newborn asphyxia 初生仔畜窒息;hyperbilirubinemia newborn 釋義:新生兒高膽紅素血症;septicemia newborn 釋義:新生兒敗血症;


1.Do not say that we are the newborn clubs, therefore it must improve slowly. 不要說什麼我們是新生的俱樂部所以還要慢慢地改進。

2.Methods The treatment of 7 cases with newborn tetanus were analyzed retrospectively. 方法對7例新生兒破傷風的治療做回顧性分析。

3.STUDY of newborn babies and preschoolers has revealed that language may be the root of prejudice - and the way to avoid it. 一項針對新生兒和學齡前兒童的調查顯示,語言可能是形成偏見的根源,也是避免偏見的方法。


newborn mouse - 仔鼠

newborn surgery - 新生兒外科

newborn baby tub bath - 新生兒盆浴


n.新生兒急性先天性風疹 - acute congenital rubella of newborn

n.初生不尿 - anuria in newborn

新生兒窒息 - asphyxia of newborn

n.羊水吸入性肺炎 - aspiration pneumonia of newborn

n.新生兒吸入性肺炎 - aspiration pneumonitis of newborn

n.新生兒吸入綜合征 - aspiration syndrome of newborn

n.新生兒無菌性心肌炎 - aseptic myocarditis of newborn

n.新生兒肺不張 - atelectasis of newborn

n.新生兒產傷 - birth injury of newborn

n.初生目閉 - blephorophimosis of the newborn

n.新生兒大腦損傷 - brain injury in newborn

n.新生兒大皰性膿皰病 - bullous impetigo of newborn

n.新生兒腦性麻痺 - cerebral palsy of newborn

n.新生兒循環 - circulation in newborn

n.新生兒鎖骨骨折 - clavicular fracture of newborn

n.胎寒 - cold-syndrome of newborn

n.胎搐 - convulsion of newborn

n.新生兒發紺,新生兒青紫 - cyanosis in newborn

n.新生兒疾病 - disease of newborn

n.胎疾 - diseases of newborn

n.新生兒腹瀉,新生兒流行性腹瀉 - epidemic diarrhea of newborn

n.新生兒剝脫性皮炎 - exfoliative dermatitis of newborn

n.新生兒面神經損傷 - facial nerve injury in newborn

n.新生兒面神經麻痺 - facial paralysis in newborn

n.新生兒面神經癱瘓 - facial paralysis of newborn

n.初生不乳 - failure to suck in newborn

n.新生兒骨折 - fracture in newborn

n.初生蹄哭不止 - frequent crying of newborn

n.馬牙 - gingival cyst of mucous gland in the newborn

n.新生兒溶血性貧血 - hemolytic anemia of newborn

n.新生兒溶血病 - hemolytic disease of newborn

n.新生兒溶血 - hemolytic disease of the newborn

新生兒溶血性黃疸 - hemolytic jaundice of newborn

n.新生兒出血症 - hemorrhagic disease of newborn

新生兒出血性疾病 - hemorrhagic disease of the newborn

n.新生兒感染 - infection of newborn

n.新生兒顱內出血 - intracranial hemorrhage in newborn

n.新生兒黃疸 - jaundice of newborn

n.新生兒喉鏡檢查 - laryngoscopy of newborn

n.低體重兒 - low birth weight newborn

n.新生兒乳腺感染 - mammary infection of newborn

n.新生兒乳腺炎 - mastitis of newborn

n.初生乳核 - mastoplasia in newborn

n.新生兒巨結腸 - megacolon of newborn

n.胎肥 - muscular hypertrophy in newborn

n.正常足月新生兒 - normal term newborn

n.新生兒臍炎 - omphalitis of newborn

n.胎搐 - onvulsion of newborn

n.新生兒頜骨骨髓炎 - osteomyelitis of jaw in newborn

n.初生目閉 - palpebral edema of the newborn

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