acpiabbr. 高級配置與電源接口(Advanced Configuration and Power Interface)
ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface;Advanced Configuration Power Interface;高級配置和電源接口;Advanced Configuation and Power Interface;ACPI AdvancedConfigurationPowerInterface 高級配置電源接口【筆記本電腦;ACPI ActionControlPoint 作用控制點;ACPI Function 設置ACPI功能;高級電源管理;(電源管理設置):;ACPI Suspend Type ACPI掛起模式;掛起類型;掛起狀態設定;ACPI 暫停類型;
1.You'd better to use the stock ACPI if your motherboard is compatible enough. 如果您的主板兼容性不夠你最好使用原版的ACPI。
2.In order to be able to use the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface support you need to recompile your kernel with ACPI support enabled. 為了使用高級配置和電源接口您需要重新編譯您的內核。
3.ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) support in the kernel is still work in progress. Using a recent kernel will make sure you'll get the most out of it. 內核對ACPI(高級配置和電源接口)的支持尚處於開發中,所以在使用新近的內核時,最好不要將其編譯進入內核,而是以模塊的方式使用。