streets[stri:ts]n. 街道;市區;城市道路(street的複數形式)
Streets 街道;佛羅倫薩市街;街道和路景;馬路;collector streets 次幹道;CITY STREETS 城市街道;城市街道圖片;城市大街;cloud streets 雲道奇觀;屬於雲街;Spadina Streets 司帕蒂娜街;
1.To see the streets pair Couples. 看著街外一對對的情侶。
2.They can visit, shops along the streets. 他們可以在街上參觀併購物。
3.These streets. these stairs. this corridors. 這些街道。樓梯。這些走廊。
In towns that are near the sea, the tiny lanterns which had been hung in the streets the night before, are placed into the water when the festival is over. - 在靠海的城鎮中,頭天夜裡掛在大街小巷的小燈籠在節後就放在了水裡。
Few things could be more impressive than the peace that descends on deserted city streets at weekends when the thousands that travel to work every day are tucked away in their homes in the country. - 週末,當成千上萬進城上班的人回到他們的鄉間寓所之後,空曠的街市籠罩著一種寧靜氣氛,沒有什麼能比此時的寧靜更令人難忘了。
and of dark narrow streets full of petrol fumes and toxic gases, - 和陰暗狹窄的街道組成
would be like trying to meet a friend in London without a pre-arranged rendezvous and absurdly wandering the streets in the hope of a chance encounter. - 就如同去倫敦見一位朋友,事先未約定地點,而荒唐地在街上遊逛,以期待碰巧遇上一樣。
Some people think that the weather is unpleasant, the city ugly and dirty, the competition fierce and the streets unsafe. - 有些人認為,這兒的氣候不佳,市容醜陋骯髒,競爭激烈,街上不安全。