





n. buck ,equus caballus ,gymnastic horse ,horse cavalry


horse[hɔ:s]n. 馬;騎兵;腳架;[俚]海洛因vt. 使騎馬;繫馬於;[口]捉弄vi. 騎馬;[口]作弄人


horse 木馬;夾石;夾層;梯桁;vaulting horse 跳馬;鞍馬;跳馬:;跳馬 文康體育;horse sense 常識(不是「馬的感覺」);普通常識;常識;普通常識(不是「馬的感覺」);horse trainer 馴馬師;馬匹貨攤;horse around 嬉鬧;玩一玩;不務正業;嬉鬧 .;


1.Have you horsed your master? 你給你主人備好馬了嗎?

2.He lashed the horse cruelly. 他殘暴地鞭打那匹馬。

3.They mated a horse with a donkey. 他們把一匹馬同一匹驢交配。


My little horse must think it queer - 我的小馬一定感到奇怪

That's like closing the gate after the horse has bolted. - 那無異於馬後炮。

The horse leaped a stream. - 馬越過小溪。

The smith is making shoes for a horse while braining his cat. - 鐵匠在鍛馬蹄鐵時,他的貓聽得頭鐺鐺作響。

He can only speculate as to which horse will win the race. - 他只能推測那一匹在賽馬中會獲勝。

A boisterous horse must have a rough bridle. - 烈馬要套粗籠頭。

A colt you may break,but an old horse you never can. - 小駒猶可練,老馬最難馴。

A galled horse will not endure the comb. - 擦傷的馬不耐梳。

A good horse cannot be of a bad colour. - 良馬的毛色不會差。

A good horse oft needs a good spur. - 好馬常需好靴刺。

A good horse often needs a good spur. - 好馬常要好靴刺。

A horse is neither better nor worse for his trappings. - 相馬不可憑馬的裝飾。

A horse stumbles that has four legs. - 人有失手日,馬有失蹄時。

A horse that will not carry a saddle must have no oats. - 不願加鞍的馬,不得吃燕麥。

A man is not a horse because he was born in a stable. - 人並不因為生在馬廄裡就成了馬。

A man may lead a horse to the water, but he cannot make him drink. - 牽馬到河易,強馬飲水難。

Either win the horse or lose the saddle. - 不是全贏,就是全輸;孤注一擲。

Every horse thinks his sack heaviest. - 每疋馬認為自己馱的袋子重。

He is a gentle horse that never cast his rider. - 馴良的馬絕不會把騎手甩倒。

It is a good horse that never stumbles. - 良馬不失蹄。

Old wood is best to burn, old horse to ride. - 老柴好燒,老馬好騎。

Old wood is best to burn,old horse to ride. - 老柴好燒,老馬好騎。

One man may steal a horse while another may not look over a hedge. - 只許州官放火,不許百姓點燈。

The best horse needs breaking, and the aptest child needs teaching. - 玉不琢不成器。

The best horse needs breaking,and the aptest child needs teaching. - 最好的馬兒要人馴,最伶俐的孩子要人訓。

The best horse needs breeding, and the aptest child needs teaching. - 最好的馬要馴,最伶俐的孩子要教。

The fault of the horse is put on the saddle. - 馬劣動怪馬鞍壞。

Tis a good horse that never stumbles. - 好馬不失蹄。

'Tis a good horse that never stumbles. - 好馬不失蹄。

While the grass grows the horse (or steed) starves. - 遠水救不了近火。

You can take a horse to the water but you cannot make him drink. - 馬到河邊不喝水,逼馬低頭亦枉然。(不要逼人做他不願做的事)

You can take a horse to the water,but you cannot make him drink. - 牽馬河邊易,逼馬飲水難;不要逼人做他不願做的事。

You may know the horse by his harness. - 欲知馬如何,可看套馬索。

He ran his horse up the hill. - 他策馬跑上小山。

Which do you prefer, horse riding or shooting? - 你比較喜歡哪一種呢,騎馬還是射擊?

I prefer horse riding to shooting. - 騎馬和射擊相比,我更喜歡騎馬。

You may have noticed something while you were doing this task. The point is that there is a difference between an interest and a skill. If you like art and enjoy looking at pictures, that is an interest. But if you can draw a horse that looks like a horse - 你在回答這些問題時,你可能會注意到一些事。關鍵在於明白興趣和技能是不同的。如果你喜歡藝術樂於觀看圖畫,這只是一種興趣。可是如果你能夠畫出一匹馬,看起來像馬而不像一隻大狗,這就是一種技能。最好的工作是既能運用你做某事的技能,又是你興趣之所在。同樣,如果你相?2283


immune horse serum - 免疫馬血清

horse lizard; house lizard - 壁虎

anti-influenza horse serum - 抗淋感馬血清

n. worn out horse type deformation - 瘦馬形形變

n. worn out horse type deformation - 磨損的粗大變形

cochlearia; cochlearia officinalis; horse radish; horseradish - 辣根

horse radish peroxidase; horseradish peroxidase - 辣根過氧化物酶

horse power - 馬力

hantibody; horse type antibady - 馬型抗體

horse bezoar - 馬寶

horse anthiuman thymus globulin - 馬抗人體胸腺球蛋白

horse antihuman thymocyte globulin - 馬抗人體胸腺細胞球蛋白

horse sickness; horsesickness; pferdepest - 馬疫

horse serum - 馬血清

horse shoe; horseshoe - 馬蹄形


n.抗淋感馬血清 - anti-influenza horse serum

四頭肌僵痛,回頭肌僵痛 - charley horse

n.免疫馬血清 - immune horse serum

n.海馬 - sea horse


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