Leptoconops 細蠓屬;Leptoconops gallicus 原雞細蠓;Leptoconops noterophilous 趨濕細蠓;Leptoconops nasiformus 鼻狀細蠓;Leptoconops tibetensis 西藏細蠓;
1.Objective To study female insects palpus and spermathecae of Leptoconops kerteszi complex and provide the scientific evidence for diagnosis among species. 目的研究古塞細蠓復合組雌性成蟲觸鬚及受精囊,為種間鑒別提供科學依據。
2.Objective To study male insects apical dilation of parameres and aedeagus of Leptoconops kerteszi complex and provide the scientific evidence for diagnosis among species. 目的研究古塞細蠓復合組雄性成蟲陽基側突膨端體及陽莖中葉,為種間鑒別提供科學依據。