parricide['pærisaid]n. 殺父母(罪);殺尊親;叛逆
parricide 殺父母者;叛逆罪;殺主人;殺長輩;wartime parricide 戰時叛逆;
1.When a will was discovered near the man's dead body, parricide was suspected. 當男屍旁的遺囑被發現時,人們便懷疑這是一樁殺父案。
2.And yet, he made bold to say, the horror that even the crime of parricide inspired in him paled beside the loathing inspired by my callousness. 但是,他敢說,這一罪行在他身上引起的憎惡比起我的冷漠使他感到的憎惡來,幾乎是相形見絀的。
3.Whoever knowingly and maliciously kills a free man must be put to death. [10] Let him who uses wicked enchantments, or makes, or gives poisons, be deemed a parricide. 故意心懷敵意地殺害自由人者,須處死刑。[10]使用邪惡的魔法或製造或投放毒品者,以弒親論處。