pasturingv. 放牧(pasture的現在分詞)
pasturing 放牧;pasturing stock 放牧家畜;a pasturing area 牧區;Song for the Pasturing Boy 歌唱二小放牛郎;Official in charge of pasturing 右更;
1.Pulling duck for sale:Ropes are tied to the neck of the ducks just as pasturing cattle in order not to lose. 牽著賣的鴨子》繩子繫在鴨脖子上,像放牛羊一樣,主要是為了防止丟失。
2.Hava spent her life in tough farming jobs and house chores, pasturing livestock, raising kids and never taking a break. 哈瓦一生勞碌奔波,農活家務纏身,放牧、養活孩子,幾乎從未有過一刻停歇。
3.Clear examples of this type of song are When Will the Scholartree Bloom? and Sharp Peaks from Sichuan, and The Flowing Stream, Pasturing the Horses and Horse Riding Song from Yunnan. 例如著名的《槐花幾時開》、《尖尖山》(四川)、《小河淌水》、《放馬山歌》、《趕馬調》(雲南)等恰好是這一風格色彩的最鮮明的體現。