





n. holocene ,holocene epoch ,recent epocha. late


recent['ri:sənt]adj. 最近的;近代的


recent 最近的;最近;全新世;近來的;Open Recent 最近打開文件;打開最近的;打開最近的文件;打開最近使用的文件;Recent Commands 當前命令;Recent Files 最近開啟圖片;最近的文件;最近的檔案;根據擴展名選定;recent drizzle 近時毛毛雨;觀察時有細雨近時毛毛雨;觀察時有細雨;觀測時毛雨;


1.Is there a pattern with the recent Haiti quake that we have to follow? 是否最近的海地地震有著一個模式,讓我們可以遵循呢?

2.Economists abroad have also questioned the reliability of the data in recent months. 海外經濟學家也對近幾個月數據的可靠性提出質疑。

3.According to a recent survey made by some experts, about 37 species disappear from our earth every year. 依照被一些專家做的一個最近的調查,大約37個種每年從我們的地球消失。


Do you have any comments to make on the recent developments. - 你對最近事態的發展有什麼評論嗎?

It's a shame I haven't seen more of you these recent years. - 真遺憾,最近幾年我未能見到你。

The recent rain has had a bad effect on the crops. - 最近的那場雨對莊嫁的影響不好。

It's impossible. You may notice that the cost of raw materials has gone up in recent years. - 不可能,您可能注意到了近年來原材料的價格上漲了。

The tree was planted near the church fifty years ago, but it is only in recent years that it has gained an evil reputation. - 該樹是50年前栽在教堂附近的,但只是近幾年才得到了一個壞名聲。

The former Prime Minister, Mr.Wentworth Lane, was defeated in the recent elections. - 前首相溫特沃茲。萊恩先生在最近的大選中被擊敗。

A recent case concerns Jane Butlin whose fiance,John, runs a successful furniture business. - 最近的一個案例與簡。巴特林有關,她的未婚夫約翰擁有一家生意興隆傢俱店。

In spite of this, some people -- including myself -- were surprise by a recent exhibition of modern sculpture. - 儘管如此,最近舉辦的一次現代雕塑展覽還是使一些人(包括我在內)大吃了一驚。

A recent survey of the effects of noise revealed (surprisingly?) that dogs barking incessantly in the night rated the highest form of noise pollution on a scale ranging from 1 to 7. - 最近一個有關噪音的作用的調查(令人吃驚地)指出,夜間連續不斷的狗叫聲,在一個從1級至7級刻度表上應列為最嚴重的噪間污染。

Considering how recent these developments are, it is even more remarkable that as long ago as the 1960s, an Englishman, Leon Bagrit, was able to predict some of the uses of computers which we know today. - 想一想這些發展的時間多麼短,就更覺得英國人萊昂。巴格瑞特有著非凡的能力。他在60年代就能預言我們今天知道的計算機的一些用途。

To get a full appreciation of what this means we must turn first to some recent human inventions. - 要透徹理解這句話的意義,我們應先回顧一下人類最近的幾項發明。

A recent article in a weekly newspaper, for instance, - 例如,最近一家週報刊登了一篇文章,

Easy. I'll ask the company for a list of recent customers. - 這事容易。我向公司要一份近期顧客的名單就行了。

However, in recent times the old-age pension has only been paid to the poorest people because there has been an increase in the number of people out of work.189 - 然而陽近一段時間,老年養老金只付給那些最窮的人,因為失業的人數一直在增長。


recent memory - 近事記憶

recent amnesia - 近事遺忘


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