





get to the security control building and hack the terminal to reconfigure prison building security system 到達安全控制室用計算機從終端解除監獄的警報系統。;到達安全控制室用計算機從終端解除監獄的警報系統文勉熟歸識六今吳要。統廿識教起當皆飛岱;到達安全控制室用計算機從終端解除****的警報系統。;到達安全控制室用計算機從終端解除獄的警報系統。;CHAPTER II FUNCTIONS AND POWERS OF THE STATE SECURITY ORGANS IN THE WORK OF STATE SECURITY 第二章 國家安全機關在國家安全工作中的職權;The Application of Information Security Risk Assessment is used in the Protection of Bank IT Security System Architecture 上一篇論文: 關於風險評估在銀行信息安全等級保護體系中的應用;Circular of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security on Abolishing the Interim Provisions on the Administration of Wages of Foreign-funded Enterprises 勞動和社會保障部關於廢止外商投資企業工資收入管理暫行辦法的通知;The Analysis Of Social Security Funds Accruement 下一篇論文: 開源之道——中國社保基金增值方法探索;開源之道——中國社保基金增值方法探索;


1.We involve a variety of synthetic security technologies, such as physical security, network security, application system security, data security and security management. 具體應用上涉及了防火牆、入侵檢測、虛擬專用網絡、網絡防病毒、虛擬交換網、密碼技術等。

2.Base on different applications, the system administrator can put up the security policy. He can set up different security levels, and put different security purviews to different security levels. 依據應用場合不同,允許系統管理員進行安全策略配製,即設置不同的安全級別,以及對不同安全級別賦予不同的安全權限。

3.1. Base on different applications, the system administrator can put up the security policy. He can set up different security levels, and put different security purviews to different security levels. 依據應用場合不同,允許系統管理員進行安全策略配製,即設置不同的安全級別,以及對不同安全級別賦予不同的安全權限。

4.The paper trys to excavate the quintessence of Confucianism from the angle of social security system, social security idea and social security tradition. 本文試從社保制度體系、保理念和社保傳統角度挖掘孔孟社會保障思想中的精髓以為今鑒。

5.The Security Law enacted in 1995 has stipulated typical security, however the practice and theory of untypical security is still poor in China. 我國1995年制定的《擔保法》已對典型擔保作了較完善的規定,而非典型擔保在理論和實務中尚還薄弱。


This weekend I'm going to install a home security system. - 這個週末我要裝一套家庭保安系統。

Then monthly rent is $650, with a $300 security deposit. - 月租是 650 美元,再加上 300 美元押金。

The security guard asked the stranger for some I.D. - 保安要求陌生人出示身份證。

He noticed at once that discipline was slack: the Danes had the self-confidence of conquerors, and their security precautions were casual. - 他馬上發現丹麥軍紀律鬆弛,他們以征服者自居,安全措施馬馬虎虎。


security data set - 安全數據集


n.衛勤保障 - health service security

n.醫療保障 - medical security

社會保障,社會保障制度 - social security

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