devouringlyadv. 貪食地;貪婪地
devouringly 貪婪地;devouringly greedily 貪食地;avariciously devouringly greedily wolfishly 貪婪地;
1.I had loved him without the intention, come for years however all the time devouringly is enjoying his love to me. 我沒有用心愛過他,多年來卻一直貪婪地享受著他對我的愛。
2.Every time and charm date, smell wears my metropolis devouringly on her body the sort of small sweet, small hot flavour, pestering her body. 每一次和嫵媚約會,我都會貪婪地嗅著她身上的那種微甜、微辣的味道,糾纏著她的身體。
3.Devouringly excessive or eat and drink too much, exceededTastedigestive function, can bring about accumulate sluggish hard pass the time in a leisurely way, TasteLose use. 貪食過度或暴飲暴食,超過了脾胃的消化功能,就會導致積滯難消,脾胃失運。