Frex 弗雷克斯牌手錶;夫裡克司;弗雷克斯牌手錶(瑞士);Frex nch 法國菜;FREX Support Repercussion Sheet 支援反應單;
1.Never do it with a Skill if you can do it with Equipment instead. (FrEx: Don't sink ranks into Climb, get a Climber's kit instead. 能用裝備解決的決不用技能結局——例如,不要把技能點花在攀爬上面,買個攀登工具包夠了。
2.Never do it with a Spell if you can do it with a Bardic Music effect instead. (FrEx: Don't learn Heroism, use Inspire Courage instead. 能用游吟詩人音樂解決的決不用法術解決——例如,別去學英雄氣概法術,用激發勇氣代替它。
3.The compilation of Crops Specific FREX as a core knowledge-based will be installed for central technical service and linked to regional research centers as a network. 彙集各種作物專用「肥料推薦專家系統」作為中央技術服務的知識基礎核心,與各地區研究中心聯成網絡。