a. discriminating ,keen ,knifelike ,piercing
incisive[in'saisiv]adj. 深刻的;敏銳的;鋒利的
incisive 敏銳,尖刻的;深刻的;銳利的,尖銳的,深刻的;尖銳的.敏銳的;incisive suture 切牙縫;incisive canall 切牙管;incisive canal 切牙管;incisive foramen 切牙孔;門齒孔;
1.An incisive change in Greek philosophy and thought took place in the fifth century. 公元五世紀、希臘的哲學和思想發生了一次深刻的變化。
2.The novel is particularly illuminating and incisive on the subject of female friendship, on what draws girls and women together and then drives them apart. 小說還用銳利的筆調描寫了有關女性友誼的問題——是什麼使她們親密無間,又是什麼使她們分道揚鑣。
3.As soon as this melamine storm, handles food security crisis to the Liu cabinet is shocks the education, handles both banks business to the Liu cabinet is an incisive stimulation. 這次三聚氰胺風暴,對劉內閣處理食品安全危機是一震撼教育,對劉內閣處理兩岸事務更是一尖銳的刺激。
incisive papilla; papilla incisiva - 切牙乳頭
foramen incisivum; incisive foramen - 切牙孔
fossa incisiva; incisive fossa - 切牙窩
canalis incisivus; incisive canal - 切牙管
incisive canal cyst - 切牙管囊腫
incisive suture; sutura incisiva - 切牙縫
incisive bone; os incisivum - 切牙骨
incisive papilla; papilla incisiva - 門齒乳頭
incisive bone; os incisivum - 門齒骨