tapestriesn. 掛毯(tapestry的複數)v. 飾以織錦畫(tapestry的第三人稱單數形式)
Tapestries 掛毯畫;掛毯;aubusson tapestries 棉毛混紡提化裝飾用毯;tapestries for furniture 繡幃;(傢俱的)掛毯;Perry Novak and Bob Volkman-Tapestries-Sapphire Sky 藍寶石的天際;
1.I leave the bridge's far end, walking between walls of rain forest that rise like green tapestries a hundred feet high. 我走出了橋的盡頭,走入了拔地而起的重重雨林,像是走在百英尺高的綠色掛毯之間。
2.We want to buy Personal Care, Ceramics, Craft Items, Decorative, Pillows / Tapestries, Housewares, Woodenware Decorative Items. 我們要採購個人護理,陶瓷,手工藝品,裝飾,枕頭/掛毯,家用,木器裝飾項目。
3.The treasures of the French royalty are on display here, too, such as their bronzes, miniatures, pottery, tapestries, jewelry, and furniture. 法國王室的珍寶也在此地展出,例如他們的銅器,袖珍畫、陶器、掛毯、珠寶和家俱等等。