





Theart. 這;那;adv. 更加(用於比較級,最高級前)


the 填表;別掛電話;掛上電話;這些;THE DAYLIGHT 黎明;曙光;日光;白天;The Rock 勇闖奪命島;石破天驚;巨石強森;絕地任務;the reader 生死朗讀;朗讀者;為愛朗讀; 生死朗讀;The Departed 無間道風雲;無間行者; 無間道風雲;神鬼無間;


1.I bought a car yesterday. The car is very expensive. 我昨天買了一輛小汽車,這輛車很貴。

2.He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive. 神原不是死人的神,乃是活人的神;因為在他那裡,人都是活的(「那裡」或作「看來」)。」

3.My fellow citizens of the world:ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man. 全世界的公民們,不要問美國將為你們做些什麼,而要問我們共同能為人類的自由做些什麼。(約翰·肯尼迪)


He's stepped out of the office for a little while. - 他離開辦公室剛一會兒。

Mary is not available at the moment. - Mary現在沒空接電話

John cannot get to the phone right now. - John現在沒辦法接電話。

She is not able to take your call at the moment. - 她現在沒辦法接你的電話。

You must have the wrong number. - 你一定打錯電話了。

Isn't this the Nanjing University? - 請問是南京大學嗎?

Are you sure you are dialing the right number? - 你確定你打的號碼是對的嗎?

I'm sorry. I dialed the wrong number. - 對不起,我打錯電話了。

Sorry, but he is out at the moment. - 抱歉,他現在出去了?

What's the spelling of your family name, sir? - 您的姓怎麼拼,先生?

Is the boss coming by? - 是老闆過來了嗎?

Oh, Somebody's at the door. I have to go. - 哦,有人來了,我得去開門。

It doesn't matter. Let's wait until the next time. - 沒關係。下次還有機會。

We have another event to attend on the same day. - 那天我們有其他活動要參加。

We have another appointment on the same day. - 我們那天有另外一個約會。

I'd like to see the doctor at the earliest possible time. - 我想盡快看醫生。

The name is Wang, and the number is 363-1127. - 我姓王,電話是363-1127。

Yes, he makes house calls, but the doctor has an opening only after 2:00 p.m. - 好,他願出診,但他在下午2點後才有空。

Thank you. The address is No.44 Changning Road. - 謝謝你,地址是長寧路19號。

I hear that you have a Italy Symphony Orchestra concert on the 15th evening. - 聽說15號晚上意大利交響樂團要在貴院演奏。

I'm sorry, all the balcony seats are gone. - 抱歉,包廂的票都賣完了。

Yes. Have you got any seats left on the 10th at 7:30 a.m. to HongKong? - 是的。你們還有10號早上7點半去香港的機票嗎?

Great and please make sure the room has a nice view of the park. - 很好,要定那個可以看到公園美麗景色的房間。

Can you confirm that the meeting is at 9:00 a.m.? - 你能否確認一下,開會的時間是早上9點嗎?

I just want to confirm that the arrangements have been made. - 我要確認所有計劃都安排好了。

By the way, will we be able to get a refund on this cancellation? - 順便問一下,我們取消後可拿回定金嗎?

Sure, if you had it towed here to the garage, we could get right on it. - 當然能。您把車拖過來的話,我們馬上就修。

Will you be so kind as to help me out of the difficulty? - 幫助我克服困難,好嗎?

I don't know how to solve the problem. Will you help me out? - 我不知道該怎麼解決這個問題。你能幫我嗎?

Will you come over to help me with the tough job? - 您能否來幫助我做這項艱苦的工作?

What time would you like to receive the call? - 您想何時叫您?

When would you be fond of receiving the call? - 你喜歡什麼時候叫您?

Yes. I'm checking out now, and want to get a taxi to the cinema. - 我現在要退房,需要一部出租車到電影院。

Certainly, sir. I'll get a taxi for you. Are you going directly to the cinema? - 好的,先生。我會幫您叫車的,您直接去電影院嗎?

No. I need to stop by the shop. - 不,我要先到商店停一下。

I'll need a taxi to the train station. Could you find one for me? - 我想到火車站。能為我叫輛出租車嗎?

Will you be stopping anywhere else before going to the train station. - 去火車站之前是否還到別的地方?

Would you be driving straight to the train station? - 您想直接去火車站嗎?

I've just been the victim of a robbery. - 我被搶劫了。

A thief has just robbed me. Can you send the police? - 一個盜賊搶劫了我,你能替我報警嗎?

Just give me your name and the place where you are calling from? - 請給我您的姓名與地點所在。

You mean from the food? - 是不是吃東西引起的?

From the baby! - 是胎兒引起的。

Well, why didn't you tell me?! Now, what's the restaurant's address? - 那你為什麼不早告訴我?餐廳的地址是?

There's been a car accident, please call the police. - 這發生了車禍,請快報警。

May I speak to the head of the household? - 我可以請戶主聽電話嗎?

I am calling on behalf of the Private Teacher Company. - 我代表家教公司給您打電話。

I am calling for the A company. - 我是代表A公司打電話來的。

Maybe you read our ads in the newspaper. - 也許你在報紙上看過我們的廣告。

This is the last chance you can get up to 60 percent discount. - 這是您可以得到6折的最後機會。


depression of the senve emotions generates fire - 七情郁而化火

seven prescriptions; sven formulae; the seven formulae - 七方

the three passes - 三關

sanjiao; the triple heater; tri jiao; trijiao; triple warmer - 三焦

which the fluid passes - 三焦是水液通行的道路

cold and feebleness in the triple heater; cold syndromes of deficiency type - 三焦虛寒

identification according to the triple heater - 三焦辯證

drooping of the upper eyelids; ptosis - 舉抬無力

the three kinds of parasitosis; three intestinal parasitoses - 三蟲病

disease of the three yang channels - 三陽病

the three yin malaria; three-yin malaria - 三陰瘧

diseases of the three yin channels - 三陰病

sarcoidosis of the upper respiratory tract - 上呼吸道類肉瘤病

excess in the upper and deficiency in the lower - 上實下虛

cold in the upper and heat in the lower - 上寒下熱

the upper effecting the lower; the upper effects the lowwer - 上損及下

cellulitis near the scapular region - 上搭手

abscess of the popliteal region - 上水魚

diabetes involving the upper-jiao - 上消

heat in the upper and cold in the lower - 上熱下寒

the upper-jiao is in charge of receiving - 上焦主納

the upper-jiao resembling a sprayer - 上焦如霧

syndrome of the upper-jiao - 上焦病

syndrome of the upper-jiao; the synptoms of the upper heater - 上焦病證

blepharoptosis; ptosis of the eyelid; ptosis of upper eyelid - 上瞼下垂

skin tradction with the elbow flexed - 上肢屈肝位皮牽引

abscess of the upper palate - 上顎癰

deficiency in teh upper and excess in the lower; deficiency in the upper and excess in the lower - 上虛下實

diarrhea with undigested food in the stool - 下利清谷

deep-rooted ulcer in the lumbar region; lumbar carbumcle; lumbar carbuncle - 下發背

disease in the lower part affecting the upper; disease ing the lower part affecting the upper - 下損及上

downward qi; keepiing the adverse qi downward; to keep the adverse qi flowing downward - 下氣

diabetes involving the lower-jiao; diabetes of the kidn1ey type; lower emaciation - 下消

lower jiao; lowerjiao; the lower warmer - 下焦

the lower-jiao is in charge of excretory system - 下焦主出

the damp-heat from the lower-jiao - 下焦濕熱

accumulation of fluid in the lower warmer - 下焦蓄水

elevate the fallen - 下者舉之

infahepatic interruption of the inferior venacave - 下腔靜脈肝下阻塞

flatulence in the lower abdomen - 下腹脹氣

sending down the fishbone - 下骨

the ignorance of the condition of their illnesses - 不瞭解病情

stand with the fet shoulder-width apart - 兩腳分開與肩負同寬

coldness of the feet - 兩足發冷

the development of TCM - 中醫的發展

the cultural treasury of Chinese pharmaceutics - 中國醫藥文化寶庫

cold syndrome of middle-jiao; cold syndrome of the middle-warmer; syncope due to pathogenic cold - 中寒

inner web of the middle toe - 中指內間

outer web of the middle toe - 中指外間

referring to the tri-jiao; the fu-organ that functions as sluice dredging - 中瀆之腑


n.迴光返照 - a flash of lucidity of the dying

n.肥氣 - a mass below the left bypochondrium

n.治療血虛的方法,血墚證治法 - a method to treat insufficiency of the blood

n.診斷專著 - a monograph on the diagnosis of diseases

n.小周天 - a small circle of the evolrtive

n.胸悶 - a stuffy feeling in the chest

n.髖關節外展 - abduction of the hip joint

n.相火妄動 - abnormal activities of the premier fire

n.陽明火邪特經上逆 - abnormal fire rising along the yangming meridian

n.肺氣上逆 - abnormal rising of the lung-qi

n.暗產 - abortion within the firstmonth of pregnancy

n.髕骨磨損 - abrasion of the patella

n.上水魚 - abscess of the popliteal region

n.前列腺膿腫 - abscess of the prostate

n.喉瘡,喉疔 - abscess of the throat

n.舌癰 - abscess of the tongue

n.上顎癰,懸癰 - abscess of the upper palate

n.夾喉癰 - abscess on both sides of the prominentia larynges

n.結喉癰 - abscess on the prominentia larynges

n.股脛疽 - abscess on the thigh or shank

n.舌根癰 - absess at the base of the tongue

n.五禁,五味所禁 - abstentions from the five kinds of flavor

n.脾屬土 - according to the theory of the five elements

n.前列腺放線菌病 - actinomycosis of the prostate

n.輸尿管放線菌病 - actinomycosis of the ureter

n.寒滯肝脈 - accumulation of cold in the liver channel

n.濕熱內蘊 - accumulation of damp-heat in the body

n.水結胸 - accumulation of fluid in the chest

n.下焦蓄水 - accumulation of fluid in the lower warmer

n.結胸,氣實結胸 - accumulation of heat in the chest

n.熱邪內結 - accumulation of heat in the interior

n.熱結膀胱 - accumulation of heat in the urinary bladder

n.痰熱阻肺 - accumulation of phlegm and heat in the lung

n.痰濕阻肺 - accumulation of phlegm-dampness in the lung

n.小結胸 - accumulation of phlegm-heat in the chest

n.痰濕阻肺 - accumulation of phlegmdampness in the lung

n.達到...目的 - achieve the purpose of...

n.渾身疼痛 - aching all over the body

n.正頭痛 - aching all over the head

n.腰腿疼 - aching in the loins and legs

n.通陽 - activate the yang

n.活絡 - activating the collaterals

n.遠脾,運脾 - activating the spleen

n.醒脾 - activating the spleen-qi

n.內丹 - active substance in the body

n.絡穴 - acupuncture point of the collateral channels

急性肝縮症 - acute atrophy of the liver

n.泥鰍疽 - acute purulent tenosynovitis of the finger

n.手足部疔皰 - acute pyogenic infection of the hands and feet

n.五味偏嗜 - addiction to one of the five flavors

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