CTPabbr. 協同試驗計劃(Coordinated Test Program);三磷酸胞甘(cytidine triphosphate)
CTP 計算機直接製版;Community Technology Preview;註冊納稅籌劃師;社區技術預覽版;CTP CentralTransferPoint 中央轉移點;CTP ControlTerminalPort 控制終端端口;AGFA CTP 擁有國際先進印前設備;CTP - 連接終端點;胞甘三磷酸;
1.However, its virtues not only due to the imaging equipment, and also depends on the CTP plate of quality and performance. 但是,它的種種優點不僅歸功於成像設備,而且同樣依賴於CTp版材的質量和性能。
2.Although the CTP system of fixed investment cost is a major consideration, but not the only factor, not even the most important factor. 儘管CTp系統的固定投資成本是一項主要的考慮因素,但卻不是唯一因素,甚至不是最重要的因素。
3.We all know, the CTP process can be a business card printing and membership card making multiple benefits: excellent image quality, near perfect alignment, quick production turnover. 眾所周知,CTp流程可以為制卡和會員卡製作帶來諸多好處:優秀的成像品質,近乎完美的校準,快速的生產周轉。