sarisn. (印度婦女的)莎麗服
Saris 紗麗;受體拮抗和攝取抑制劑;抑鬱劑;研製合成孔徑雷達成像系統;Cor Saris 夏瑞思;
1.From her grandmother, she had learned that emeralds looked better with pink saris rather than green. 她在她祖母身上就曾學到,綠寶石和粉紅色而不是綠色的莎莉服更搭配。
2.Then the king of Assyria sent the Tartan and the Rab-saris and the Rab-shakeh from Lachish to Jerusalem, to King Hezekiah, with a strong force. 亞述王從拉吉差遣他珥探、拉伯撒利,和拉伯沙基率領大軍往耶路撒冷,到希西家王那裡去。
3.Only a quarter of condoms made in India are used for sex, most of the others are used to make saris, toys and bathroom slippers, a newspaper reported. 印度製造的保險套中,只有四分之一在性交時使用,其他大多數都在生產紗麗服(婦女用以裹身包頭的長棉布或絲綢)、玩具和浴室拖鞋時使用,一家報紙報導說。