freedom-fightern. 爭取自由的戰士
1.He was an anti-Portuguese freedom fighter, but he absolutely refused to dehumanize the Portuguese. 他曾是反葡自由戰士,但他堅決反對非人道地對待葡萄牙人。
2.And obviously Nelson Mandela and King, and Amilcar Cabral, who nobody talks about anymore, but who was a great freedom fighter in Guinea-Bissau, Africa. 當然,納爾遜。曼德拉,金,還有阿米爾卡。卡布拉爾,他曾是幾內亞比紹共和國偉大的自由戰士,現在人們已經不再談論他。
3.There is no agreed definition of terrorism beyond the "we know it when we see it" rule that lets one man's terrorist off the hook as another's freedom-fighter. 對恐怖主義除了一望可知者外沒有一個能一致接受的定義。因此一些人眼中的恐怖分子可能搖身一變成了另一些人追捧的「自由戰士」。