





feed bin feeder hopper feed hopper feeding skip loading hopper 進料斗;feed bin feeder hopper feed hopper feeding skip loading hopper 進料斗;feed bin feeder hopper feed hopper feeding skip loading hopper 進料斗;charging hopper loading hopper 裝料斗;bin feeding hopper material hopper silo 料斗;


1.to be retained in the hopper part of mortar (up to the hopper axis, 下處), to be together after the concrete pump hopper add. 在料斗內須保留部分砂漿(至料斗軸線上、下處),待混凝土加入料斗後才一起泵送。

2.Stop the machine, raise the hopper and with a spatula or putty knife remove as much paste from the hopper as possible. 停車,升起料鬥,並用刮鏟或 油灰 刀盡可能除去料斗上多餘的鉛膏。

3.After the kibbling in the first hopper, by monolayer partition panel, the material will enter the second hopper, which has plane scale board with steel ball inside to grind material. 物料在第一倉達到粗磨後,經單層隔倉板進入第二倉,該倉內鑲有平襯板,內有鋼球,將物料進一步研磨。

4.It does the filling pneumatically, its hopper and the cylinder both are thermally preserved with electrically heated circulating water. The hopper is equipped with a frame mixing system. 採用氣動灌裝,料斗和料缸均用電加熱水循環保溫,料斗配有一框式攪拌系統。

5.This paper presents the design of the hopper in the full mobile crusher station. The design includes the shape, the tilting angles of the hopper, feeder and so on. 移動式破碎站的料倉設計內容包括料倉形狀、斗容、下料傾角和給料機等。


n. elevating hopper feeder - 傳送料斗式給料機

n. inclined rotary hopper feed - 傾斜回轉料斗送料

n. inclined rotary hopper feed - 傾斜旋轉式漏斗送料

n. elevating hopper feeder - 升降料斗給料機

n. hopper feeder - 料斗給料機

n. barrel hopper feed - 桶料斗給料機

n. hopper feeder - 棉箱給棉機

n. drum hopper feed - 滾筒料斗給料

n. hopper feed - 漏斗給料

n. hopper feeder - 漏斗給料機

n. hopper feed - 漏斗送料

n. hopper feed - 箍圈送進

n. rivet hopper feeder - 鉚釘的漏斗送料機構

n. pin hopper feed - 鉸斗式給料機

n. pin hopper feed - 銷釘料斗送料

n. drum hopper feed - 鼓形漏斗給料


n.送卡箱 - card hopper

n.集塵斗 - dust hopper

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