Indo-chineseadj. 印度支那人的;印度支那的n. 印度支那人
Indo-Chinese 漢藏語(系);印度支那人;印度支那語(系);印度支那人的;Indo-Chinese War 中印戰爭;Indo-Chinese epoch 印支期;Indo-Chinese Rat Snake 細紋南蛇;Steering Committee on the International Conference on Indo-Chinese Refugees 印支難民國際會議策劃委員會;印支難民國際會議策劃委員會 公安;
1.The Fauna of British India, Ceylon and Burma, Including the Whole of the Indo-Chinese Sub-Region. 區系的英國,印度,錫蘭,緬甸,包括全體印度支那次區域。
2.The base was set up and used as an advance landing ground during the Indo-Chinese conflict in 196
2. 斗拉特別奧裡地基地建於1962年,是中印衝突時進攻機隊的停機坪。
3.Indo-American and Indo-Chinese relationship turns better, Indo-Russian relationship is farther strengthened, and Indian strategic status is rising. 印美、印中關係轉向,印俄關係繼續得到鞏固,印度戰略地位上升。