shreddersn. 碎紙機(shredder的複數)
Shredders 破碎機;切菜機;Paper Shredders 碎紙機;Vegetable shredders 蔬菜切片機;蔬菜切片器;Waste Shredders 廢物搗碎機;Shredders and Cutters 裁減用品;
1.I also heard that the price of these 我還聽說那些碎紙機的價格非常昂貴!
2.Hey Shredders! The Qualifier for the Nanshan Open is coming up soon, so get your fine self to the Nokia Nanshan Mellow Park and start practicing! 嗨,單板愛好者們!你是不是正在摩拳擦掌,想參加我們的第六屆紅牛南山公開賽資格賽呢?趕快行動起來吧!
3.Existing plastic shredders, power sprayers, hand sprayers, spray accessories welcome your visit at any time, consulting, Qiadan business, the company will do its utmost and dedicated to you! 現有塑料粉碎機,動力噴霧器,手動噴霧器,噴霧器配件歡迎您隨時光臨、咨詢、洽淡業務,本公司一定會盡其所能,竭誠為您服務!