CIMabbr. 晶體阻抗計(Crystal Impedance Meter);一種 CompuServe 的圖形界面程序(CompuServe Information Manager)
CIM 計算機集成製造;公共信息模型;Common Information Model;Computer Integrated Manufacturing;CIM framework 計算機集成製造框架;cim convention 國際鐵路運輸公約;CIM CenterforInformationManagement 信息管理中心;CIM ChannelInterfaceModular 信道接口模塊;
1.CIM is an object model for describing and sharing enterprise wide management information. cim是描述和共享整個企業網絡管理信息的對象模型。
2.CIM can describe information such as desktop software and hardware configurations, the CPU box's serial number and traffic levels on a particular router port. cim能描述諸如桌面軟件和硬件配置、cpu封裝塊的序列號以及某個特殊路由器端口上的流量水平等信息。
3.More important, despite all the favorable press, to date there has been only limited deployment of the CIM standard. Thus, there is no immediate value to IT managers. 更重要的是,儘管有新聞界的支持,但迄今cim標準只有有限的實施。因此,對it經理來說,還沒有直接的價值。