





alcaline-earth metal alkali-earth metal alkaline earth metal earth alkali metal 鹼土金屬;alcaline-earth metal alkali-earth metal alkaline earth metal earth alkali metal 鹼土金屬;alcaline-earth metal alkali-earth metal alkaline earth metal earth alkali metal 鹼土金屬;alcaline-earth metal alkali-earth metal alkaline earth metal earth alkali metal 鹼土金屬;alcaline-earth metal alkali-earth metal alkaline earth metal earth alkali metal 鹼土金屬;


1.By now, there are four methods of earth: neutral point un-earth, neutral point directly earth, neutral point earth with resistance, neutral earth with an arc suppression coil. 目前主要的接地方式有中性點不接地、中性點直接接地、中性點經電阻接地、中性點經消弧線圈接地。

2.By now, there are four methods of earth: neutral point un-earth, neutral point directly earth, neutral point earth with resistance, neutral earth with an arc suppression coil. 目前主要的接地方式有中性點不接地、中性點直接接地、中性點經電阻接地、中性點經消弧線圈接地。

3.The earth will burst asunder, the earth will be shaken apart, the earth will be convulsed. 大地必將粉碎又粉碎,大地必將崩裂又崩裂,大地必將動搖又動搖!

4.In addition to Jessica, was Miss Spain, "Miss Earth Fire" title of Miss India was "Miss Earth Wind" title of Miss Venezuela won the "Miss Earth water" title. 除傑西卡外,西班牙小姐獲得「地球之火小姐」稱號;印度小姐獲「地球之風小姐」稱號;委內瑞拉小姐奪得「地球之水小姐」稱號。

5.Earth's environment, including monitoring solar constant monitoring, the sun UV radiation monitoring and Earth and the Earth Radiation Budget detection. 地球環境監測包括太陽常數監測、太陽和地球紫外輻射監測以及地球輻射收支探測。


Scientists have confirmed that the Earth is, indeed, round. - 科學家證實,地球確實是圓的。

We rely on the Earth for everyting we need to survive, so let's take care of it. - 我們依賴地球獲取我們生存的一切東西,因此讓我們來細心呵護它。

What on earth has happened to trouble you so? - 到底發生什麼事讓您如此發愁?

These buildings are supposed to be earth quakeproof. - 這些建築物是耐震建築才對。

Peace on earth and good will towards men. - 願世界得太平,人間持善意。

Six feet of earth makes all men equal. - 在墓穴中人人都平等。

The bridge is so long that the shape of the earth had to be taken into account by its designer. - 由於橋身太長,設計者不得不考慮了地表的形狀。

Only the Earth provides ideal conditions, and even here it has taken more than four billion years for plant and animal life to evolve. - 只有地球提供理想的條件,而即使在這裡,植物和動物的進化也用了40億年的時間。

But suppose the earth could be covered with sensors spaced one foot apart, - 假設地球上可以佈滿傳感器,每個相隔1英尺,

To escape from the Earth in a rocket, one must travel at seven miles per second. - 要乘坐一枚火箭飛離地球,火箭的速度要達到每秒7英里,

wind, earth movements or tremors, and the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun. - 風、地球的運動或震顫和月亮、太陽的引力。

is the slowest and has travelled round the earth through the surface rocks. - 是最慢的,是圍繞地球通過表面岩石傳來的。

we are now pretty certain the Earth is the only one on which life can survive. - 我們目前可以肯定的是,地球是生命能存在的唯一行星。

Morocco and California are bits of the Earth in very similar latitudes, - 摩洛哥和加利福尼亞是地球上緯度極其相似的兩個地方,

What on earth has happened to trouble you so? - 到底發生什麼事讓您如此發愁?

Why on earth didn't you tell me the truth? - 你到底為什麼不跟我說實話?

These satellites go round the earth and help us to learn more about the earth, the weather and other things. - 這些衛星繞著地球轉,幫助我們更好地瞭解地球、天氣和其他情況。

So, in an earthquake, the earth shakes. - 因此,地震時,地球震動。

The earth shook for quite a while. - 地面震動了好一陣子。

It was called Saving the earth and it was all about the damage that is being caused to the world. - 會議叫「拯救地球」,所以全是有關地球遭受破壞的事情。

This is because the surface of the earth is not flat but round. - 因為地球表面不是平的,而是圓的。

Gandhi believed that one should be able to love the most ordinary being on earth as oneself. - 甘地認為一個人應能像愛他自己一樣去愛世界上最普通的人。

The cave led back into the rockface and the earth by the entrance was dry. - 巖洞迂迴延伸到巖面裡,靠近洞口的土是乾的。


n. rare earth containing alloy - 含稀土合金

earth prefers warmth and dryness - 土喜溫燥

earth region - 地廓

n. earth temperature - 地溫

n. earth grounding bed - 地表床

earth wire; grounding wire - 接地線

alkaline earth radioactive nuclide - 鹼土族放射性核素

slkline earth metal - 鹼土金屬

rare earth element - 稀土元素

n. rare earth additive alloy - 稀土填加合金

rare earth screen - 稀土屏

n. rare earth cobalt magnet - 稀土鈷磁體

n. rare earth cobalt magnet - 稀土鈷磁鋼

n. rare earth iron garnet - 稀土鐵榴石

rare alkaline earth metal - 稀有鹼土金屬

n. amorphous rare earth iron film - 非晶稀土鐵膜

earth eater; geophagist - 食土癖者


n.鹼土族放射性核素 - alkaline earth radioactive nuclide

n.明礬土 - alum earth

n.鍛制硅藻土 - calcined diatomaceous earth

硅藻土 - diatom earth

n.硅藻土 - diatomaceous earth

n.來自地殼中的天然放射性本底輻射 - due to radioactivity in the earth

n.火不生土 - fire fails to generate earth

n.火生土 - fire generates earth

n.漂白土 - fuller earth

漂白土,漂土(漂洗油脂的特種粘 - fuller's earth

「漂白土肺」,塵肺 - fuller's earth lung

n.漂白土 - fullers earth

n.硅藻土 - infusorial earth

n.稀有鹼土金屬 - rare alkaline earth metal

n.稀土金屬 - rare earth

n.稀土元素 - rare earth element

n.稀土屏 - rare earth screen

n.培土 - reinforcing the spleen earth

n.鹼土金屬 - slkline earth metal

n.火生土 - The fire generates the earth

n.補土派 - the school of invigorating the earth

n.補土派 - the school of invigorating the spleen earth

n.脾屬土 - the spleen corresponds to earth

n.脾屬土 - the spleen matches the earth

n.脾脈,土也 - The spleen pulse is connected with the earth

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