Guggenheim Fellowship 基金獎;古根海姆學者獎;獎學金;古根漢基金獎;Guggenheim 古根海姆;古根漢;古根漢姆;古根漢;Peggy Guggenheim 古根海姆;古根漢;顧根鹹;姆美術館;Judy Guggenheim 古根漢;bilbao guggenheim 圖片;古根漢博物館;
1.The Guggenheim Museum's design is based on a spiral. 古根漢博物館的設計基形是螺旋。
2.Taking Guggenheim Museum of Bilbao for example, the report approaches further about these architectural appearances. 以畢爾巴鄂古根漢姆博物館為例對這一建築現象作進一步的分析。
3.As a result of this, he was made the first director of the Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Jet Propulsion Centre at Caltech in 194
9. 基於以上成就,他於1949年擔任加工理工學院丹尼爾和佛羅倫斯·古根海姆噴氣推進中心首任主任。
4.She has received numerous awards including two National Endowment for the Arts Fellowships and a Guggenheim Fellowship. 阿多尼諾曾榮獲多種榮譽和獎項,其中包括兩次獲得美國藝術捐贈基金獎和古根海姆獎。
5.He served on the first science working group for the James Webb Space Telescope and received a Guggenheim Fellowship in 200
2. 他曾服務於詹姆斯.韋伯太空望遠鏡的第一屆科學工作團隊,並在2002年獲頒古根漢基金獎。